
Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Quick Update and Apology!

I want to say I am so sorry there hasn't been any posts since August. So I thought I would give you a quick update with what has been going on.  I finally got all my teeth pulled and I feel much better.  I still need surgery on my hernia , I am still praying that maybe by some miracle I won't.  Not sure when I will have this done. We are in the middle of a remodel and move so once I am settled I will make an appointment with my dr. (who wants me to see a rematologist first. ) Then go on from there.

As I mentioned we have been busy with a remodel and tomorrow we will be moving. So once we are settled, I am hoping to start posting regular again.   I will be holding a back to blogging giveaway when I do. Stay tuned it's going to be an awesome giveaway.

Thank you all for still following BLH.



  1. Good luck with the move!

  2. Welcome back! Awesome you're feeling better. Sending good healing vibes your way.;)

  3. Good luck with the move and stay well.

  4. Sorry to hear of your health issues, hope you are on the path to wellness soon!

  5. Good luck with your move i hope ypu will feel good in that new setting. Your health is important so don't put us before that i hope you results will be good and teh miracle happen but anyway we will be there when you come back so don't worry^^

  6. The important thing is your health and we're still here...take care!
