
Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - Power Might Go Out....

So far we are just getting rain and a bit of wind but we are in a High Wind Warning and Flood Watches. My son was let out early from school today. Not sure what kind of punch we are going to get from Sandy but just wanted to let you all know. If my power goes out before my giveaways end... I promise to announce the winners as soon as I am able. Praying we don't get hit hard but you never know with this monster of a storm. Everyone on the East and Mid Atlantic Coasts stay safe!! We are sending you are prayers from my family to yours


1 comment:

  1. Stay safe yourself! This storm sounds uber scary! I'd be in panic mode for days if I lived on the coast, bad enough I go into panic mode during our tornado weather!

    Keep safe, again!! :)
