
Thursday, November 1, 2012

And The Winners are.....


First I would like to thank all of you that stopped by all month for our Halloween Spooktacular, it was so much fun and hope to do it again next year. Be sure to check out the other giveaways still going on..... Wicked After Dark Hop, Follower Appreciation Giveaway and Fall In Love Hop.

Now on to the winners.......

Winner of  ebook copy of The Coffee Shop is....


Winner of  ecopy of each book,  Laura, The Visitor's Room and The Fifth Floor is..........

Tracey D

Winner of Shadow of the Wolf .pdf is.......


Winner of free copy of every episode of The Recruiter Season 1 as they are released. The copies will be provided via Smashwords coupon emailed to the winner monthly.


And finally the winner of the Grand Prize of an $ 40 Amazon Gift Card is.........

Tracey D

Congrats! To all winners emails have been sent out.  The winner of the Grand Prize has 48 hours to respond to my email or a new winner will be chosen. Winners were all picked thru thru Rafflecopter. 
Thanks again to all that entered and made this year's Halloween Spooktacular Event a huge success.
All winners please check your spam for these emails.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winners! And thanks for letting me participate. It was tons of fun! :D
