
Monday, November 12, 2012

FMB Tours: Book Spotlight and Giveaway: Lethal Beauty by Sara Brookes

Title: Lethal Beauty Series: Elatia, #4 
Author: Sara Brookes 
Genre: Science fiction, Paranormal, Erotica, 
Publisher: Decadent Publishing 
Ebook Words: approx. 25K 

 Book Description: 

 As a covert operative in Elatia’s elite military, Sway Waybourne is used to fending for herself. But a powerful uprising means she’s now responsible for guarding the leader of a neighboring planet. Within seconds of meeting Dason Cavaletti, sparks fly and Sway realizes she’s gotten more than she bargained for.

Dason is curious about the arousal taking over his mind, body, and soul. When he can no longer stand the overwhelming desire, he confronts Sway. But the disturbing news she delivers isn’t at all what he expected. Mating with the gorgeous woman could kill him….

WARNING: Sarcasm galore from a fiery heroine who can take care of herself thank-you-very-much. She won’t take anyone’s guff—even from the leader of the free universe no matter how handsome he is. A unique genetic quirk leads to inventive foreplay, one blazing hot hands-on session in the bathtub and a gender bending encounter that signals this ain’t your father’s Star Trek. No redshirts were harmed while writing this novel.


“This is…quite the situation.”

She blew out a breath as she slumped onto the far side of the mattress. “You can say that again.”

Sensing her frustration—which matched his own—he reached over and clamped his hand around her ankle. She didn’t fight as he dragged her across the bed and into his arms. “It’s not as if it’s the end of the world.”

“No. It’s just…I’m used to being able to handle any situation.”

“And you don’t know how to handle this.”

“Not really.”

“I’m sure we can come up with ideas. In fact, I’m thinking of one right now.”

“You’re going to be the death of me.”

 “Way I understand, it’s the other way around.” Her laughter rang out in the room, shattering the tension. He pulled her closer, content and sated for the moment. “You’re a remarkable woman. Strong, determined, not to mention sexy as sin.”

She squirmed against him and he took it as a signal she wasn’t used to hearing such things said about her. Her reaction made him decide to shower her with attention while they were trapped together.

He was both amused and terrified by her reactions. Her extraordinary skill set was evident and he found her tenacity admirable. She possessed a vulnerability, though she clearly did her best to hide that aspect of her personality. By his guess, she thought it would show a weakness if she let others know about any flaw in her perfection. A good covert operative couldn't have any visible flaws. Otherwise, they weren’t very good at their job.

By the looks of things so far, she was very, very good at her job.

And for reasons he didn’t completely understand, he had begun to fall in love with her.

 About The Author:

Sara Brookes is an award-winning romance author has always been fascinated by the strange, the unusual, the twisted and the lost (tortured heroes are her personal favorite). She is an action movie junkie, addicted to coffee and has been known to stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing RPG video games. Despite all this, she is a romantic at heart and is always a sucker for an excellent love story. Born and bred in Virginia, Sara still lives there with her husband and daughter. The entire family is owned by two cats, Galahad and Loki, who graciously allow the family to cater to their every desire. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Awesome excerpt! Looks like a fun read. Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  2. Looks like a great read... Thanks for sharing the info definately on my TBR list


  3. Sounds like an awesome read - this is going up my TBR list! Thanks for sharing the excerpt and for the giveaway! :)


  4. Thanks for the great post and congrats to the author on the new release! Sounds very interesting :)
