
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! What I'm Thankful For...

As we sit down with our families to celebrate with our families, some of which we see every day others not so much , We can reflect on what are we truly thankful for.   What am I thankful for?

1. I am thankful for a roof over my head, it might not be much but it shelters me and my family.

2. My family, which consists of in laws or in my case ex in law's but they are and have been there for me when I needed it the most.

3. My Son, though he is at the age where mom is the bad guy now and we bicker all the time. He is a true miracle , one I was told I would never have.

4.  A very special person that came back into my life after being apart for many years. This alone I am especially thankful for.

5.  This Blogging Community, without starting my blog I would have never met all of you great people to discuss what we all love , our passion for books.

6. To all the Authors,   Thank you for all the hard work you do to give us such pleasure and escape. Without you we wouldn't be able to enjoy our passion for reading.

And last but certainly not least , all of you followers. Without you BLH would be nothing but myself, Edna and Kelly just expressing our thoughts to ourselves.

Hope all of you have the Happiest of Thanksgivings!  And if you don't celebrate have a great day as well. It's almost the weekend!!!


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