
Monday, November 19, 2012

Review: Breaking Dawn Pt 2 : The End of a Wonderful Ride

First of all, I normally don't review movies but this one had to be told at least my thoughts on it. If I don't say what I feel I am going to burst.  That being said, I had time to sleep on it and I am still mind numb from what I saw.

For those who haven't seen it yet I will do my best and not spoil it for you.  I can sum it up in a few words IT  KICKED ASS!.  I admit I was a bit worried, questions rolled around in my head, Was it going to go by the book? Could they make it epic , being it was the last movie? You really wanted this series of movies to go out with a bang and let me say it did and then some.   In fact, I think this movie was better than the book. I never say that but this time I will.

What to say without giving anything away, this is hard. I loved how the family was with Renesmee, The interaction with this young girl left a smile on my face .Everyone, vampires and wolves gathered around to protect this young girl. Who by the way , couldn't have been played any better than by this cute actress.

Damn (I wish I could type out  frustration), I want to talk about the mind numbing twist, that left my brain in shock, my mouth dropped to the floor and If I had been home I probably would have screamed , threatened to pound on my tv and a few curse words would have flown out of my mouth during that part.  I will say though I never in my wildest dreams expected that to happen and after enjoyed every minute.  This wasn't in the book and it added that punch this movie needed.

Overall, I am still numb thinking back to that part as well as sad that this series of movies and books has come to a close.  I believe like others have said even if you hate it , go see this one , I think you might even enjoy it.  I know I did  but I am a Twi Fan and proud of it.!




  1. THIS MOVIEEE WASSS SOOOO AMAZINGGGGG! I saw it at the movie theaters and I totally GASPED, SCREAMED, YELLED, CURSED, AND LAUGHED, along with EVERYBODY in the movie theater! Ha it was awesome and it's probably the movie I have every seen!

    Great review!

    I just started following you and hope you can come by my blog and maybe follow back as well? I am doing my first book cover reveal next week and hope you can maybe stop by and check it out!

  2. I love Twilight, but the movies always make me a bit wary (my favourite were Twilight and BD 1, I had issues with the other two), so I was deliberating whether I should go see it. But you convinced me. Breaking Dawn is my favourite book of the saga and you make the movie sound amazing, so I guess I'll goo see it soon.

  3. @Amanda, Its been a couple days later and I am still mind numb, I can't believe they did that but though it was beyond shocking I loved it. Following you back too. Definitely will stop back by again.

    @Pepca, you should I highly recommend it, the twist alone is worth the price of admission.

  4. I have such a hard time picking up books that have already gone viral and I will not see a movie unless I know I am not going to read the book. I appreciate your review. I am thinking that it may be better to come late to this party than not at all.
