
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Consummate Therapy Series Book Promo and Guest Post with Katie Salidas

I am so excited to Katie Salidas on BLH today, if most of you don't know I am a huge fan of her Immortalis Series. So if you haven't read any of her books I highly recommend them. Please give Katie a warm welcome. 


 For me, writing is a powerful thing. I am the creator of a world and people that until that point had never existed. I rule over this world with a mighty pen and control the fate of the creations within the pages. But, along with great power comes great responsibility. It’s not enough to play god. I have to develop a story that is not only worthy of being read, but also able to be read (published). That often feels like a daunting task. Roadblocks of writer’s block and time constraints often have me feeling frantic that a story will never see itself to completion.

Even with the stress involved, the power of being “the creator” is nice little perk. I often find myself falling in love with the world I’ve created and using it as my escape from the everyday stresses in real life.

That escape element makes writing an intensely personal endeavor. The world I create is my world. It belongs to no one else. I spend a lot of time and energy into develop that vision as I work my world into a readable and enjoyable story. In that world, I grow my characters from seeds of inspiration, and watch them develop into actual entities. Their thoughts and feelings, their lives, their interactions, they all become real within the confines of that world.

Because of this intensely personal nature, Writing is not a craft that often lends itself to collaboration. Collaboration means giving up control, it means letting someone into my world and trusting that they will not abuse their power while in it.

In that respect, choosing to work with a partner is a lesson in Submission.

It’s not always an easy lesson. This world I’ve created is personal. It’s an extension of myself. Letting someone in is a deeply intimate act. Once inside, they will have the ability to manage and manipulate my characters. They can do so much damage.

Just as the Dom/Sub relationship relies on trust and faith, so too does the co-authoring partnership. You have to trust that the partner you are working with has a vision and goals that match your own. That both of you, no matter how you might differ on opinions, are working toward the best story possible.

It’s never easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

I’ve never been one to relinquish control of anything. I’m more than OCD in my writing. I don’t like having to listen to others opinions. I don’t like people telling me what I should and shouldn’t do with my characters.

Much like our character, Natasha, I like to control it all. And much like Natasha, I find myself feeling heartburn and stressed out over stories that I can’t seem to see to fruition.

But, as I have learned, there are some benefits to letting go of some control.

Writer’s block, being one of the biggest road blocks becomes much smaller an obstacle when there are two writers battling against it. When stalled on a story and I simply cannot find the solution, I’ve learned that if I let go of that control, that need to make this story 100% mine, and to trust in my writing partner, the answers become clear. Sometimes he might have the answer and next step in the vision, and sometimes, just through chatting about the story, the solution presents itself.

Does it always work smoothly, no, but having a partner I can trust, and letting go and trusting him has proven itself to be very beneficial. And at this point, we’ve put out 3 and we’re working on number 4 with many more stories to come.

 Submission Therapy – Book one in the Consummate Therapy series.

Part One in the Consummate Therapy Series Billionaire CEO of Blakely Incorporated, Natasha runs her empire with an eagle eye for every detail. She's an obsessive, compulsive, micromanaging hard-ass, consumed by the need to control every aspect of her life and her business. But underneath that seemingly strong façade, Natasha is a swirling mess of anger, anxiety and sexual addiction. Only her therapist, Dr. Benson, knows how close she is to burning out...or exploding. He insists on a radical form of treatment - Submission Therapy - knowing that it's her only hope. Skeptical but intrigued, Natasha agrees to attend the first session. What she finds there is an erotically-charged environment that will forgive none of her habitual bad behavior. And a steely-eyed man who seems to read her every desire - even the ones she won't admit to herself. 

Part Two in the Consummate Therapy series Natasha's experience at the hands of Master Sweet has left her both drained and enlightened. Wanting nothing more than to curl up against him for as long as she can, she is dismayed when he sends her home to dwell on all she's learned. But being a creature of habit, Natasha's stubborn and rebellious nature leads her back into her old patterns, threatening to undo all her progress. When her symptoms return in full force, she begins to doubt not only the effectiveness of Submission Therapy, but also the motivations of her Master. Learning of her disobedience, Master Sweet brings forward Natasha's next session. But recognizing her behavior for what it is - a cry for attention - leads Him to change His approach dramatically. If Natasha thought her first lesson was hard...she's in for a real eye-opener. Does the embattled billionaire have the internal strength to earn back her Master's trust? And how will she handle it when his intentions suddenly become even more serious? 

Believing love is pure folly, Natasha rejects the offer of her Master’s collar. When she turns to old addictions to ease her pain, she risks losing all He has taught her, and even more besides. BLURB: Accepting Master Sweet’s collar is a frightening commitment for pathological maneater, Natasha. Until recently everything in her life, including sex, had been strictly business; a safe zone that Natasha was quite comfortable with. Submission Therapy ruined all of that. Her recently uncovered desires have left her feeling raw and needy, unable to trust her own judgment. The order and consistency in her life has been shattered by these terrifying newfound feelings and desires. When even her employees find true love, Natasha’s world feels somehow unreal. Could this thing called ‘love’ be real? And could Master truly feel the same for her? Now she faces the biggest emotional decision of her life. Will she accept her Master’s collar, and the commitment that it entails? Or should she say goodbye to her Master and forever abandon the hope of a loving relationship with the one man who truly knows her? 

KEYWORDS: BDSM billionaire submission domination anal bondage toys therapy erotica romance sex lust collar trust 

WARNINGS: This title contains anal sex, graphic language, sexual situations, BDSM, trust issues and strict consequences 

 Where to Buy: (links will be added as they are available) 

 Immersion Therapy – Excerpt 2 (Adult only) 
 © November 2012 by Willsin Rowe and Katie Salidas 

 He cuffed one hand, running his broad fingers up the inside of my forearm. “Normally I would use hemp rope, as before. Tonight...I don’t wish to lose momentum with you.”

That was as close as I’d ever heard to an admission of impatience from Him. Knowing what my body did to Him, understanding how much He wanted – needed – me, set my heart pounding with delight.

He cuffed my other hand and attached a lead to the chain linking them. Like before, He fed the rope lead though the eyelets on the bed frame. My arms were pulled forward tight as He secured the rope. I rested my head on the mattress, catching my breath as I awaited my beautiful punishment.

Master returned to me and picked up the paddle.

Involuntarily, I wiggled my ass, anticipating the first swat.

I felt his hand instead. He gently massaged each cheek. “Fifteen, Natasha. You will count them.” His hand sank lower to my aching clit. He gave a quick pinch and I squealed. “Understand?” He croaked.

“Yes, Master.”

The first swat landed square between my cheeks. The sting of it stole my voice, but it was the after effect that stole my breath. A swell of heat flushed my body. The balls felt as if they were bouncing around inside me, hitting every wall and nerve, like an erotic pinball machine. The sensation was overwhelming.

“One,” I whimpered helplessly, trying to hold back a yell.

The second swat bit into my left cheek. The familiarity of the feeling was like a warm blanket.

“Two,” I found my voice.

The third and fourth alternated between cheeks, but the fifth swat again found its home right in the middle. That was the sweet spot. A mixture of pain and unbelievable pleasure that, along with the rocking and rolling of those devilish little balls, threatened to ruin my control. I barked out the numbers, sounding more animal than human.

Master stopped, and again I felt his big hands on my ass. He squeezed and kneaded the tender skin. “You are magnificent, Natasha. I could get used to seeing the glow of this ass every day.”

“It is yours to spank, Master.”

He responded in kind, delivering another swat right to the sweet spot, sending pain and pleasure right to my needy mound.

 About the Authors:

Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkins off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write. 

And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale… 

Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment. 

Willsin Rowe falls in love with a scent, a playful expression or an act of casual intimacy more easily than with physical beauty. When confronted by any combination of those elements he is a lost cause. He has done many things over and over, done even more things only once, and half-done more things than he cares to admit. He loves to sing and doesn’t let his voice get in the way. He is intelligent but not sensible. He is passionate but fearful. He is not scruffy enough or stylish enough to be cool.


 Christmas time in Brisbane is always so hot and muggy you could drink it from a bowl. 

Brett Freeman feels the heat like anyone, but for more than 15 years it’s been nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with Corinne. Only one thing stands between Brett and his perfect woman: her husband, Darren. 

Despite that stumbling block, Darren and Corinne consider Brett their best friend. They’ve watched in despair as he’s tossed away good relationships simply because, in his mind, no woman could ever compare to Corinne. 

Then, one muggy Christmas Eve, a friendly visit takes a bizarre turn. Secrets are shared, an incredible present is offered, and for Brett, life will be changed forever. 

Every beginning comes from an ending. 

The Three Day Hump

 Luther has a solid career as a lawyer and is married to a famous lingerie model. His life has grown comfortable, and he can’t remember how it felt to truly want something…anything. 

Opal is young, debatably single, and has lived a life poor in everything but experience. She exudes a lush darkness and it draws Luther to her. 

He suddenly remembers desire. 

Their flirting turns physical; lust turns to obsession, obsession to addiction. They can’t see a future, but they can think of nothing but the present. They don’t know how to stop, they only know they need to. 

An urban myth tells that three days of abstinence will break the back of an addiction. They hole up together in a hotel for a long weekend. 


Can their addiction be beaten? Maybe. But first, they need to make it over the three-day hump.


 From the fun and frivolous to the poignant and deeply personal, this collection of flash and short erotic fiction has a little taste of everything. Tales of crossed paths and crossed lines; of fate and fancy; changes, chances and choices. 

With flash stories boiled and brewed until only the essence remains, and longer works that simmer and spit, you’re sure to find something to tickle you right where you need it. And with author commentary before each story, you could call this the director’s cut! 


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