
Friday, December 21, 2012

Cover Reveal: Testing Fate by Belinda Boring


Nothing beats the heat of the refiner's fire. Continue the journey as Darcy faces her greatest challenge to date and fights for her right to mate Mason, the alpha of the Mystic Wolves. Whisked away by the Fates, separated from Mason and Pack, and relying on her friendship with Devlin, this is make or break for Darcy. Everything is on the line. Will she crumble under the pressure or emerge stronger for testing fate?

Isn't this cover gorgeous? 'Sigh' no release date has been issued yet and let me say its driving me nuts. I can't wait for this book.  So powers that be if you're listening please give us a date!!!

In the meantime while we wait, Belinda has Mystic Wolves for FREE and Broken Promises for just 99 cents. To hold us until this long awaited book is released.

Mystic Wolves

Broken Promises

Author Bio:

 A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for book on her blog The Bookish Snob. With all that excitement, it wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!


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