
Friday, December 7, 2012

Crown Phoenix Tour: Reviews of The Night Watchman Express, Devil's Kitchen and Lamplighters Special by Alison Deluca

File Size: 628 KB 
Print Length: 279 pages 
Simultaneous Device Usage: 
Unlimited Publisher: Myrddin Publishing (October 3, 2012) 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Not Enabled 
Lending: Enabled 
Source: Received complimentary copy in exchange for honest review 

Book Description 
 An underground factory a terrifying laboratory, and the eerie whistle of the Night Watchman Express… Miriam has only her guardians' son for company, and she and Simon dislike each other from the start. But they must find a way to trust each other, or they will end up on the sinister Night Watchman Express. Full of danger, suspense, betrayal, and a hint of romance, this steampunk adventure is for readers of all ages. 

I accepted this request because I found the blurb to Night Watchman Express very interesting . Now I am glad I did.  I enjoyed every part of this book.  The characters were a pure joy to read. I felt myself cheering for Miriam and wanting to smack her new guardians for their treatment of her.

Miriam, who's father died finds out she had new guardians. I honestly don't blame her for her behavior with these two. Mainly Theo, the 'aunt'. If I had to deal with someone like her I would behave badly as well. It wasn't until a governess, Mana who appeared out of nowhere , did she change into a lovely, young lady. I really liked Mana, she was one of my favorite characters as well as Neil and Simon.

This story was such a fun read, filled with drama, humor and tons of danger. I can't wait to dive into the next book, Devil's Kitchen.  So if you love Steampunk and everything else I mentioned then I highly recommend this book. 


File Size: 746 KB 
Print Length: 204 pages 
Simultaneous Device Usage: 
Unlimited Publisher: Myrddin Publishing (October 3, 2012) 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Not Enabled 
Lending: Enabled 
Source: Received complimentary copy in exchange for honest review. 

 Book Description:
 In The Night Watchman Express, Miriam and Simon were kidnapped and thrown on the strange train... Now in Book Two of The Crown Phoenix series, they arrive at the terrifying destination known as Devil's Kitchen. There they will face human experiments in a laboratory known as The Infirmary. Miriam will be forced to work in an underground factory. Simon is held in a luxurious prison by jailers who are as beautiful as they are deadly... And their courage will be tested to the breaking point. 

Book 2, Devil's Kitchen, the story picks up exactly where we left off in The Night Watchman's Express. Miriam and Simon are separated. Miriam is made to work at a horrendous factory and Simon is kept prisoner in a different fashion.

I read this book in one day , in fact just a few hours.  I honestly feel this book was better than the first.  The action continues fast and furious as Neil and Mana try and rescue Simon and Miriam.  Though the chapters are told in 3rd POV as is the book, we get to jump from scenes with Miriam, Simon, Neil and Mana. I thought maybe I might be confused but  the author did a fantastic job making sure that wasn't the case.

If you haven't read this series, I would definitely recommend it.  I can't wait to dive into Lamplighter's Special and find out what adventure is next for these group of characters.


File Size: 500 KB 
Print Length: 212 pages 
Simultaneous Device Usage: 
Unlimited Publisher: Myrddin Publishing (October 3, 2012) 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Not Enabled 
Lending: Enabled 
Source: Received complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review 

Book Description:
 Lizzie and her sister are forced to work in a huge manor and on a steamship to support their family. They are caught up in several mysteries: The squire’s oldest son cannot leave the attic An old typewriter seems to move time and space A passenger hides in a secret room A beautiful visitor is plotting against them And Lizzie discovers that she has a strange, new ability. She and her sister must discover the secrets of The Lamplighter’s Special before their enemy catches up with them. 

Book 3 in this series,  dealt with Lizzie , Ninna and Matlida, Neil's sisters. I really enjoyed getting to know these characters as well.  Though this book is surrounded around mainly Lizzie and Ninna , we follow them through their struggles to keep their family together and survive. We also see some nasty characters reappear.

This book was filled with all the drama , humor as the other book with a bit more romance, which I must say I love the blossoming romance of young love.  One moment broke my heart and I so didn't expect it to happen.  I can't tell you or I will ruin it for you. But I will say that you must read this series. It just gets better with each book  I really hope this series continues on, which by the way this book ended it will be and I can honestly say I can't wait to read the next book. 


 Author's Bio
Alison DeLuca is the author of several steampunk and urban fantasy books. She was born in Arizona and has also lived in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Mexico, Ireland, and Spain. Currently she wrestles words and laundry in New Jersey. 

 Where to find Alison 



  1. These seem fascinating! Thanks for your reviews and for giving me my first look at Alison DeLuca's work.
