
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Reading Challenges: 2013 Sexy Showalter Reading Challenge

 Okay I am doing this one because I just love Gena Showalter!! So any excuse to read Gena I am all for it.

 Here’s the rundown:
1. The Sexy Showalter Reading Challenge runs from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

You can join at anytime from now and throughout the year. This is a 2013 challenge, so books read before January 1 will not count to your progress.

2. You pick your goal by picking a category! Read as many books as you’d like.

3. Re-reads are acceptable.

4. Books chosen can be of any genre (like we said, she writes a lot!)

5. To participate, copy and paste this post on your blog along with the challenge button. We ask that you provide a link back to the sign-up page in case others wish to participate.

6. Readers without blogs can still participate! Keep track of your progress with Goodreads, Shelfari or LibraryThing.

To sign up: Click HERE

1. Make a sign up post announcement, listing the category you’ve chosen and a list of books you plan to read. If you don’t have a blog, post on GoodReads or another site as a thread where we can access your list of books. Be sure to take the image code above.

2. Come back here and using the list below, add your entry with a link directly to that post so we can see what you’ll be reading. You’re done! Every month during 2013 we will make a challenge update post where you can come and updates us on how you’re doing with your challenge.

Category 1: Gena Who? 
1-4 books OR 1 Series completed
If we say Lords of the Underworld and you wonder if Peter Jackson is directing a new film whilst keeping your fingers crossed that Aragorn will be (nekkid) in it, then this is the category for you! You just need to dip your toe in the Showalter pond and try out 1-4 of her books OR alternatively complete just one of her series, easy peasy for all Gena Beginners!

Category 2: Sampling Showalter 
5-8 books OR 2 Series completed
You’ve done the Goodreads search, checked the prizes on Amazon; you are now fully prepared for Gena to take you to the next level, did you know she did some YA and contemporary as well….

Category 3: Gaga for Gena 
9-12 books OR 3 Series completed
She has you hooked. You can’t help but reach for another book, just one more….and the another one!

Catergory 4: Sexy for Showalter 
13-18 books OR 4 Series completed
You know your Lords from your pleasure slaves; your aliens from your nymph kings; demons, vampires, dragons, genies you love them all and aren’t afraid to wear your “Sexy for Showalter” t-shirt to prove it!

Catergory 5: Gena’s Number One Fan! 
EVERY SINGLE BOOK! *awed silence*
You have read EVERY book Gena has written, and although she might still have that restraining order out on you for sniffing her unmentionables that won’t stop you from being her NUMBER ONE FAN!

Happy Reading!

Well I am tossing around doing 5 but that might be pushing it so I will do Sexy for Showalter and if I can get to Category 5 I will .

Category 4- Sexy For Showalter
13-18 Books or 4 series completed



  1. oh, you know I'm participating in this challenge ;)


  2. LOL yea I thought I might see you. I had to any excuse to read her books. I was gonna go Category 5 LOL changed my mind and went with 4 it might still be pushing it but I love her so. Why not?

  3. oh wow.. eeek level 4 or 5? on my lanta! idk if I can do that. I'll have to see. Lol. I have so many books I want to read, but I know I definitely want to finish out the LOTU series. Or at least catch up to where she's at xD I'm thinking maybe Category 2 since I've put my self on the naughty list and have decided not to spend any money xD

  4. I have a bunch of her books so I won't have to buy too much but I am hoping I been good enough for Santa to bring me Amazon GC's LOL. I know i have at least 10 of her books on my Kindle.
