
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Review: Broken Promises by Belinda Boring

File Size: 390 KB 
Print Length: 318 pages 
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1479340448 
Publisher: Moonstruck Media (October 5, 2012) 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Not Enabled 
Lending: Enabled 
Source: Received complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. 


What would you do if the man you loved became one of your greatest enemies? Would your love be enough to save him? All Bri wanted to do was spend her Friday night with the man she loved and adored. Little did she know leaving her home would result in her relationship with Quinn being tested beyond its limits. Fae have been organizing to invade Earth, and their devious plans are culminating now, colliding with Bri's very existence. Using a powerful glamour, the Fae trigger each person's violent tendencies, turning the streets into a battleground and strangers against each other. In a crushing blow, Quinn becomes affected and Bri finds herself battling to save her lover from himself as he stalks her relentlessly, taunting her at every turn. But fighting for her love isn't her only worry. As the battle ensues, Bri discovers a startling truth about her own heritage that she must come to terms with. She has no other choice but to fight, leading her to a confrontation that will change her world forever - and threaten to leave her with broken promises. 

As many of you know I am a huge Belinda Boring fan, so when I was asked to review this book I jumped at the chance.  Let me just say Belinda's writing just gets better and better with each book she puts out.   My only problem was that I just didn't start this book sooner than I did. 

Bri and Quinn ,  everything is perfect until one day he just changes into someone she doesn't recognize.  Confused and scared she doesn't know what to do and ends up finding about her own family isn't what she thought they were.  This book seriously was a roller coaster ride of fun, drama,  hot smexy action and those hot kisses Belinda is known for writing. 

I personally bounced back and forth between the male characters in this book I started out like Quinn a whole hell of a lot then bam , he turned into well lets just say even though I love bad boys, I just couldn't go with how he was with Bri.  Then came in Liam 'sigh' , he protects Bri like a man should and treats her like a man should.  Can you tell  I am Team Liam ? 

Pardon me while I shout or cuss ...... okay I did it silently but picture me screaming at my ereader just a little while ago. Belinda did it again!!  I am not sure whether I love her or hate her for her cliffhangers. Okay I still love her, but I am not sure I can handle being left hanging yet again.  This time I have to wait til 2013. So the world better not end on Friday or I am going to be so pissed. 

Anyway sorry for the rant, if you have read her other books, please I beg you to get this one. It was brilliantly done even with the agonizing cliffhanger. 



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