
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tis The Season, Welcome in 2013 Giveaway!!!


Maybe because I just enjoy this holiday season, maybe I just enjoy giving but I am having another giveaway. Part to celebrate this Holiday Season , Part to welcome in the New Year. So what am I offering this time. Well, how does a $30 Amazon Gift Card or $30 worth of Books at TBD.  Hope you enjoy and Have a great Holiday season and have the happiest of New Year's .
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Yes, i have resolution, and i like to win TBD

  2. I've been having resolutions every year but I can't quite fulfill them so for this new year, I won't have one. I'll just do what I have to do and hopefully 2013 will be a good year! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to have it via TBD.

  3. I don't know what my resolution will be this year if any.... and I would choose Amazon.

  4. i dont make any, because i dont end up following through.would love to win thanks for the giveaway

  5. I have no idea what my resolution(s)will be this year!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  6. My new year resolutions?... I don't really know xD I guess to succeed in my studies and read 130 new books :P

    And I'd like the amazon gift card! :D

  7. I've given up making new years resolutions cause I never follow through on them! I'd go for the book depository!

  8. New Year's Resolution: Stop procrastinating on my college work, and go to more social events.

    I don't really have a preference between the two prizes.

  9. I don't have any resolutions made, yet. I'd prefer the Amazon gift card. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. No, I don't, because I never follow them anyway ^^

    I'd choose TBD. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  11. I'm terrible with resolutions. It starts fine, but then things go south!

    I'd choose a GC. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  12. I'm not so much a resolution kind of person--I know myself well enough to know that there's too much pressure & expectation built into them and I set myself up for failure.

    I'm personally a fan of TBD over Amazon.

    Thanks for sponsoring th giveaway!

  13. No resolutions yet need to think of some! Not sure id make any.
    Fan of Amazon
    thanks for this great giveaway

  14. I don't really make resolutions (too easy to break) but I do want to continue trying to eating better and exercising more to lose weight and get healthier.

    I love Amazon GC :)
    Thanks so much for the giveaway

  15. My resolution is going to be stay more organized in 2013. Ever since my daughter was born in October, I feel like I have been completely out of whack and unorganized. I need to stay on top of things that need getting done.
    I would prefer the gift card.
    Thanks so much!

  16. No resolutions. I barely keep them for a day, so I gave up. If I really want to do something, I'll do it when I'm ready.

    I'd prefer the gift card.

  17. I don't have a list of NYR, but I am planning to read more of the dusty books that are sitting on my shelves... (or on the floor or boxes =s) and the second resolution is to buy more bookcases for the poor homeless books, new and old ones xD

    Thanks for the giveaway, I hope I win so I can add more siblings to my family of books here xD

    Ana Death Duarte @anaeileendeath

  18. Forgot to mention I'd prefer TDB =]

    Ana Death Duarte @anaeileendeath

  19. I stopped making NYR because they just depress me LOL! I kinda take life as it comes and try to be the best me I can!
    I would rather the GC Thanks Carin
    mawmom at gmail dot com

  20. My NYR would be to stop being so lazy at so many things. I'm a procrastinator extraordinaire so yeah... =) Also, I'd prefer a GC. XD Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. No I don't have much either, every year I tell myself I can live up to them and every year something gets in the way or life throws a curve ball and it loses it's edge. I do hope to loss some weight ;p but thats my NYR every year. Maybe read some more books, visit my parents more, find a job and learn photography.

    GC or TBD is good :)

  22. I don't really have new year resolutions, I just go with the flow and do my best!
    I would prefer TBD as the shipping rates to the UK at amazon are bad.

  23. No resolutions here. I would love and Amazon GC! That would go a long way on my Kindle.

    You are the best!

    Thanks so much!

  24. No Resolution so to speak of at the moment...
    GC will be nice
    Thanks :)

  25. thanks for the amazing giveaway. I think my resolution would be to have my year. I would love to win a TBD price

  26. Probably the same resolution I have every year-to write the correct year on paper forms. lol
    I'd prefer the gc. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  27. I suck at resolutions. But maybe next year will be the one where I actually follow through. I still have to think about it. I'd to win love the TBD prize. Thanks for the giveaway

  28. No I don't do resolutions.
    I'd like the Amazon GC

  29. Thanks for the very generous giveaway! I kinda have resolutions. Like not working as much, reducing my TBR mountain range. Small stuff :) I'd love the amazon GF.

  30. No resolutions yet -- still thinking about it!

    Would rather have the GC :)

  31. I would rather have a gift card.

    I've been thinking about resolutions and I have ideas in the works but am not willing to share yet;)

  32. Every year i have list all my New years resolution and this year my new years resolution is to spend time with my kids & wife more often since im busy is too why not spend quality time next year..that would be great for me & my family..

  33. I don't really do resolutions, but if I did, it would be to exercise a bit more :) I'd choose the GC.
    Lacey T

  34. no resolutions other than usual to try to be a little healthier (eat better, less junk, more movement) :) gift card works for me :)

  35. I haven't really thought of any resolutions yet, but it will probably be to read more books (gotta get that TBR pile down). :D I'd choose a GC, it's always fun to shop.

  36. My resolutions would be, to have a work, to have more passion in the church ministry, and to be renewed me everyday. :)
    I'd choose TBD, since it ships in our country. Thankyou somuch! :)

  37. No resolutions for me.
    I'd rather have the Amzazon GC.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Truthfully, I haven't thought about any resolutions yet. I'm normally bad at keeping my resolutions, but didn't do to bad with the last ones that I made. I will probably make my resolutions in a couple more weeks. I would love to win a GC. Thanks for the chance.

  39. ahhh.. new years resolution?? hmmm I haven't thought of one yet. Def need to think of one. Thanks for the giveaway, hun!

    Ana♥ @ Beach Bum Reads

  40. oops.. forgot to answer the second part to your question. I'd prefer a GC :)


  41. My New Year's Resolution is to lead a healthier lifestyle (have a balanced diet and exercise more regularly) and try to be a 100% vegan by end of 2013. Currently, I have stopped taking beef for 2 years and I'm already cutting down on pork, chicken and eggs.

    If I win, I would prefer a GC. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Wishing you Happy Holidays and a wonderful 2013 :)


  42. Haven't thought about it yet. lol I just got out of the hospital so I'm trying to take one thing at a time. Probably to be more heart healthy as I just had a heart attack.

  43. I haven't made a New Year's resolution since I was around 12 or 13, after which I realized that I wasn't ever going to follow through on them! I prefer a GC.

  44. I don't make New Years resolutions. I just break them.

    TBD would be great thank you.

  45. Not really ... still thinking about it ...

    and I'd choose TBD...

    Huge Thanks ...

  46. I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions list - but my main goal for the upcoming year is finish college =)

    Thanks for the chance!! I'd choose the TBD

  47. I don't make New Year's resolutions because I always end up not doing them. ^_^

    I prefer the books from TBD. Thanks!

  48. My New Year's resolution will be to eat less and exercise more. It's the same one I have very year, but hopefully this will be the year I actually do it! I'd go with the Amazon GC and buy lots of ebooks. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  49. My resolution is ALWAYS to lose weight but I haven't done it yet LOL!!! This year I have to though because it's kind of out of control now. I'd rather have the GC if I win please!!

  50. My resolution is the same as last year. I want to eat healthier and be more active. I would love to win the Amazon GC.

  51. Last year I resolved to stop obsessing over little stupid things. Didn't work out so well. :-) Not sure whether to try again next year or not. Either prize would be great, but I'll probably go with the GC...


  52. My New Year's Resolution would be learning how to ride a motorcycle and graduate on August 2013.
    Thanks for the giveaway, I'd choose from TBD.

  53. Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? If so what are they? Would you rather have a GC or TBD?

    I don't really cause I don't want the disappointed if I don't follow through on it. I would like a GC please. Thanks for holding the giveaway!

  54. Thanks for the giveaway! No NY resolutions; who keeps them? I'd rather have the GC pls
    Happy New Years to you too!

  55. to lose weight... as always. LOL. I'd love the TBD. thanks for the chance!

  56. My resolution is to eat less. I need to control my sugar cravings.
    I would rather have TBD

  57. I really don`t have any New Year's Resolutions, maybe just try to me less lazy and read more books. :D I would choose TBD. Thanks!!

  58. I don't make new year's resolutions because I know I can't keep them! And not sure but probably TBD.

  59. Fix my blogging sched! :) I'd probably take TBD :)

  60. My New Year's Resolution is to find a new job pronto. I would choose TBD.

  61. I'm getting a jump start on my New Years Resolution. It's to get a little more fit & work on losing some weight. I bought a gym membership and went just the other day. It's a family gym, which is nice.. and quiet, close to home. I can actually see myself going a few times per week.
    Hmm, I think I'd go with the GC. :)

  62. My new year resolution is to read more. And abandon procrastination, I perfectly sure it won't happen, though xD
    I prefer TBD.

  63. Giftcard would be great. I don't make resolutions, I never keep them.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  64. I do have a New Year's resolution - try to reduce my tbr mountain to a manageable level. :D

    And I prefer TBD. Since I'm in Europe I pay as much for shipping as I do for the book. It's completely insane!

  65. I still haven't thought about my resolutions haha xD

    GF. thanks!

  66. Resolutions? Hmm... I'd like to have a little more peace this year, in my life, and here at home. I'm planning on making a special effort to just slow down and enjoy the moment I'm in, and not always try to rush to get to the next thing...and only have pictures occasionally to remember whatever we were doing... I want memories, and lots of them. :) I'd prefer the amazon gc so I can load up my kindle! Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity!

  67. GC!! Resolutions.... um......... still thinking on that one. It'll take a few days to get my plans together. More writing, for sure.

  68. To be more outgoing and do more design jobs!

  69. In 2011, my resolution was to read 250 books. I read 367. I don't really know how. In 2012, my reolution was to read 250 books. I read 280. Last year was a bit harder than 2011 as my job demanded much more from me, since I've begun moving up the chain. This year, my resolution is to read 300 books. I figure, if I can do 280 with a stressful work load, then what's 20 more?

    Personally, I'd rather have the GC because I don't have any more room for physhical copies of books, and I love my Kindle, so Amazon is the way to go.

    Thanks for this chance to win!

    --Shana @ A Book Vacation

  70. My resolution is to try and achieve a healthier lifestyle, by walking every day. I love the Gift card please.

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway.

    dpd333 (at) aol dot com

  71. My resolution is to eat healthier. I'd love the GC. Thanks!

  72. Firstly, thanks for holding this giveaway :) I'd prefer TBD card cos it ships to my country. For my resolution this year, there are so many things I want to find out and gain more.
    -I'd like to be able to give back to my parents,
    -to find out what I'm gonna do with my life,
    -to be able to believe and committed to myself and not wasting the voice that God gives me.
    -I'd like to be able to play piano or guitar and write and my own song.
    -Write memoirs or story based on some things happened/I've seen in my life.
    -Make my parents proud and secured with the decisions I choose.

    I guess I wrote too much but I wish one of the resolutions will at least achieved by the end of this year :)

    PS: sorry for taking this comment space too long.


  73. I don't really do the whole New Year's Resolutions thing. If I won I'd like the Amazon Gift Card.

  74. I never make New Year's resolutions. :)
    I'd love TBD!

  75. I don't know what my resolution will be this year if any.... and I would choose Amazon.

  76. My resolution is to explore more of my city!

    And I prefer Amazon (:

  77. My resolution is to read at least 70 books this year. I'd prefer the Amazon GC :)

  78. I gave up soda. Every month I add a new health or personal behavior change. I prefer the Amazon GC. Thanks!

  79. I don't have resolution, just to stay healty and happy :)
    I prefer TBD.
    Thanks for giveaway.

  80. To spend more time with my 4 Grandchildren..GC Please..Thanks

  81. I don't have resolutions now.. I'd prefer TBD too.

  82. My resolution is to avoid making resolutions - I never manage to keep them! I prefer TBD, too & thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I don't really make New Year resolutions, I don't see a point in that. If I want to make resolution I can do it any day.
    I'd prefer TBD

  84. i don't have resolutions :p
    and i prefer TBD coupon..
    thx u so much :)

  85. reach my challeng reading book :)
    I'm prefer TBD

  86. I don't do resolutions because I never carry them out. However, I do choose a word for each year. Last year's word was "health" and it helped me to concentrate on eating better, exercising more, and treating myself better emotionally. This year's word is "myself" to remind me that I'm not a puppet and I'll dance to my own tune, thank you very much. :-)

    I prefer The Book Depository since I'm in the UK.

  87. New Year's Resolutions is to read more and learn more, never had a lot of time last year so would give a reading a block on my weekly schedule. I Would have GC or TBD any would do. Thank you. :)

  88. No resolutions this year.

    TBD's $30 worth of book.

  89. This year I don't have resolutions.I want a TBD.

  90. I only make half-hearted resolutions and usually these 2: sleep more and exercise more ;-) lol

    I would prefer the Book Depository wishlist :-D

    Thank you!

  91. My resolution would to read all the books I have now and will get get in the future finished and reviewed. But to also find a job after college.
    A GC would be great if I won~ Thanks
