
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

FMB Tours: Review and Giveaway: Fate's Design by Lola James

Fate's Design (Fate Series #1)
by Lola James 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 
Publisher: LJ Publishing, Inc (self Published) 
Ebook Pages: 220 

 Amazon | B&N

Book Description: 

During a summer trip to Italy, Megan falls in love and is pulled into the world of vampires, witches, and magical powers. As she becomes more deeply entrenched, her nightmares begin to make sense, and she realizes that she’s been part of this new world since birth.

I have had one of Lola's books on my Kindle for awhile and hadn't gotten to it yet so when I saw this book on tour I had to sign up.  I am so glad I did.  This book was fantastic.  I immediately connected with Megan, Morgan and instantly fell for Alex.

I am not sure what else I could say except that  this book held my attention from the beginning and all the way through I kept trying to figure out what her dreams meant.  I loved the fact the majority of this book is set in Italy. I lived there when I was younger and it was nice to relive some great memories of certain cities mentioned in the book. 

I could certainly relate with Megan, awkward, clumsy, stay safe and on straight and narrow type while her sister is the fun, party type.  I loved their relationship, though Megan would be annoyed at times with her sister with some of the stuff she did , the love was there.

  Another thing I  loved was the uniqueness of the Lore, when we find out exactly what and why she was plagued  her dreams/nightmares.  It also made me laugh and cry and it ended with a tiny cliffhanger not enough to drive me insane but just enough to want to know what is going to happen next. 

Overall this was a fabulous first book in a unique series. I, for one can't wait for the second book. Defying Fate.  Until then I will definitely be reading her Spellbound series. I have found a new favorite author to add to my must buy list.   



About the Author: 

 Lola James has been reading romance novels since her teens, and fell in love with the paranormal after discovering Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles. Her love of the dark worlds of vampires and witches, as well as her fascination with Greek mythology led her to create the Spellbound Series, an ongoing Paranormal Romance combining all of the above into tales of suspense with a little bit of humor in an Urban Fantasy setting.

A long time lover of reading and writing with a passion for a great story, James became discouraged by the complicated and arbitrary publishing process, James had initially set down her laptop and her hopes of being a writer. However, with the purchase of her first e-reader, James became re-energized by the new possibilities for an undiscovered author to reach the masses. Dusting off her keyboard she finally finished Bound to Remember, the first book of the Spellbound Series and self-published it. Energized and ambitious, James is now hard at work on both the Spellbound Series as well as the Fate Series, a paranormal romance about dreams and what happens if they come true.

Living in Southern California with her two beautiful children, James finds time to write in between her full-time job as a mother as well as her other full-time job as an HR manager, as well as her academic schedule as she studies for her Master’s degree which she hopes to complete in 2013. With the success of Bound to Remember, James hopes to continue to reach an audience that will allow her to leave her HR job and focus on her writing as a full time career.

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