
Saturday, January 5, 2013

RAK December Wrap up and January Sign up

Book Soulmates

I love this meme its been so much fun, but last couple months I haven't participated due to lack of funds but I knew I had to this time because of Christmas.  IF you haven't never participated it's a lot of fun , give it a try. Thanks to the lovely ladies at Book Soulmates for starting this fun meme.

Click HERE to find out more about RAK

I wasn't able to send any RAK's for December due to Christmas but I plan on sending in January.

I did receive on RAK and it was from Hilde from The Turn of The Page, I have been wanting this book for a long time . So Thank you so much!



  1. Glad you had a bit of Christmas Magic ^^

    Happy january RAK

  2. RAKs are awesome. Did you hear about the one in Canada that lasted 3 hours. Cool to see it applied to books.

  3. No I didn't I think RAK's are so cool. This meme is so much fun:)
