I still have several dr's appts coming up , tests and I hope to get the all clear to have all my teeth pulled in August plus I might be having surgery for my hernia.
I hope to at least get a few posts going again soon. But I wanted to let you all know I didn't abandon you all.
My one giveaway will be ending next month and I will be announcing the winner on the 3rd or 4th.
I have read tons of books and I hope to have some reviews written and posted soon. As for all the authors I promised reviews I will be getting to those too as soon as I can.
I hope to be posting back to full time next month but depends on when I get all my teeth pulled and if I have surgery scheduled for my hernia. All that is up in the air until I get all the testing done and cleared for surgery.
I will be having another fabulous giveaway in November to celebrate my 3rd Blogoversary!