
Thursday, November 15, 2012

BLH is now 2 years old!!! Surprise Giveaway!

I can't believe we are now 2 years old where has the time gone, I am not doing any statistics other than just saying I can't believe how much we have grown in those two years. As a big thank you to all of you that follow this blog. I am giving a surprise giveaway. Don't forget that our follower appreciation giveaway is still going on til January. Click HERE to enter that giveaway.
Cheers to all my fabulous followers, cheers all the great author's that have stopped by as well.


  1. Congrats on the milestone! So hard to choose just one book character! There are so many I wish would I could meet! Maybe Calan Kirk from Rosanna Leo's The Selkie so I could ask him to set me up with one of his single brothers! I'd prefer from TBD!

  2. Congrats on the milestone! So hard to choose just one book character! There are so many I wish would I could meet!

    and i'd prefer an amazon gift card

  3. Happy Blogoversary!
    I'd LOVE to meet Drew from The Sea of Tranquility.

    And I'd choose the amazon GC.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. i would love to meet kate daniels to visit the keep^^

    i would love the TBD prize

    thank you a lot!

    and of course congrats on reaching 2years of blogging here i wish you many more

  5. There are so many characters I'd love to really meet. I'd definitely like to meet a shapeshifter. Probably Curran from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series. Sorry for any typos, there's something on my screen I can't move.

    I would prefer the gift card.

  6. Too many to choose just one, but off the top of my head I'd go with Arya Stark from a song of Fire and Ice. I'd love to pick her brain about a few things, and tell her a few things that she really ought to know! :D Thanks for the giveaway. I'd prefer the gift card. :D

  7. Congrats on your milestone and thank you for the giveaway! The character I would want to come visit is Reyes from Charley Davidson series, mmm cause I simply love his character. Either option is good with me :)

  8. Congrats on the 2 years! It is hard to choose just one character. I think I will go with Charley from Darynda Jones's Charley Davidson Series.
    I would prefer the Amazon GC. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Would prefer amazon GC

    I would choose Ethan from the Chicagoland Vampires -- because he is pretty dreamy and kick ass!

  10. Yaaay! Congrats on 2yrs blogging!! *throws confetti*
    Soo many characters that I'd like to meet...but...probably any one of the BDB characters <3
    I'd prefer the gift card. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. 1 character from ANY book??
    Probably Daemon from Obsidian and Onyx!!
    super dreamy!!
    And hes an alien!

    gift card probably!! :)

  12. Congrats on your 2nd Blogiversary!!
    I'd prefer the Amazon GC
    If i could spend the day with just one character it'd be Bones from Night Huntress Series.

  13. HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR 2ND BLOGIVERSARY!! *Brings out more bubbly*

    I would choose Eric Northman from The Southern Vampire Mysteries book series!! He's so powerful and sexy *SWOON*

    I would prefer the Amazon GC. Thanks for this awesome giveaway and here's wishing you many more wonderful blogiversaries to come! Cheers!


  14. OOh that's a toughie!

    Bones definitely pops up first! Of course I would want to be the object of his affection instead of Cat! ;)

    I would prefer the Amazon GC.

    Great giveaway and Happy Blogoversary!

  15. Happy two years to you! Here's to many more!

    I would love a visit from the Vampire Lestat from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Would love to carry on a conversation with him.

    I would prefer the Amazon gift card. Thanks!

  16. Nothing would make me happier than a visit from Augustus Waters from the Fault in Our Stars. That guy is perfect.

    I would prefer the TBD books please.
    Happy blogoversary! May you have more to come :)

  17. If I could pick a book character to visit for the day..omg that's so easy. I'm a little obsessed with Gregori from Christine Feehan's Dark series. He's tall, intimidating, and awesome! He's a healer that can leave his body and heal his people from the inside out and he's so passionate about his mate.

    Happy Blogoversary!

  18. Oh I forgot I would prefer the GC please.

  19. Congrats on the milestone! And thanks for the giveaway ^^

    I'd like to spend a day with Lestat, from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles ^^

    personaldeath (at) gmail (dot) com

    Ana Death Duarte

  20. Forgot to mention I'd prefer TDB ^^

  21. Happy 2nd Anniversary!
    I would be too scared to meet Zsadist , so I think I'd have to go for Curran from the Kate Daniels series.

  22. ooops, forgot to mention that I am International so would like TBD.
    Thanks Irene

  23. Hmmm...I'd love to chat with Scarlett O'Hara from GWTW :) Oh the stories she could tell!

    I'd choose the GC

  24. Jenna Weldon from Timeswept Lovers (a time traveling historical romance)
    I'd choose the GC

    Congrats and Happy birthday]

  25. I would love for Wrath from BDB to come visit me! OMG, I think I would swoon! I would love an Amazon GC please

  26. Congrats for your blogoversary!!
    That's an easy question. Rose from Vampire Academy, I want to talk to her, hang out with her. I bet is an adventure just to be next to that girl!!
    Thanks for the giveaway, I prefer Amazon GC

  27. Happy blogoversary!!!! Here's wishing you many many more :)

    I'd lvoe to visit w/ Kate Daniels from Ilona Andrews series.

    I would love the amazon GC.

  28. Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron. I'd prefer the Amazon gift card.

  29. I'd choose Barrons from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning!
    I prefer the Amazon GC :)
    Lacey T

  30. congrats on the blog b-day! cheers to you :) too hard to decide on one character to have visit (I want them all), would like the gift card (that way I can find new characters to want to visit with) :)

  31. I would choose Simi from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. It would be awesome to dress into cute goth outfits & go shopping all day, spending Ash's money & eating BBQ with Simi's special BBQ sauce. :D
    I would prefer books from TBD.

  32. Happy Blogoversary!!!! Choosing a character would depend on the circumstances. Can I choose to jump into a book instead? If so, I would totally camp out on the BDB boys' front porch until one of them took pity on me and let me in. *wink*

    I would love the Amazon GC :)

  33. I would love Grimalkin from the Iron Fey series to come alive for a day. Yeah, I know he's a cat, but he reminds me of Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

    Happy Blogoversary. Wishing you many more!

    If I won, I would prefer the Amazon GC. Thank you for the gracious giveaway.

  34. I'd like to meet Bailey of The Night Circus, he has something that I can relate. Thanks for the Giveaway and Happy Blogoversary. :)

    I'll choose TBD.

  35. If you could choose book character to come and visit for the day who would it be? Also please let me know which gift you would prefer. The GC or TBD.

    I'd love to visit with Gin Blanco from Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series because she's such a great cook and a well read woman, I think she's cook up a great meal and we could talk about books. I'd love to win the GC. :D

  36. i would like to meet karou!! shes so amazing!. i choose TBD!

  37. OH, I would love to meet one of the hot heroes form Larissa Ione's Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series. Either Wraith, Ares, or Than would be more than welcome in my home (bed) anytime, LOL.
    If I won, I would love the Amazon GC :)

  38. I'd love to spend the day with Bones from the Night Huntress books. He's always my go to character LOL!

    If I won I'd choose the GC

  39. Maybe Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series! He is so great and strong in his own ways! I'd learn lots from him! Thanks!

    Ooo...TBD books please!

    Raffle name: Nikki O

  40. I would love to spend a day with Hermione! She's still my favorite book character!

    And I would go for TDB books!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. There are so many that I could pick from UF/PNR but I'm going with LoTR/Hobbit cast, I cannot wait for the Hobbit movie next month

  42. Congrats on your second birthday. :) So many characters but I'll go with Jamie Fraser from Outlander or Roarke from the In Death series by JD Robb.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  43. I'd choose TBD :)

    There're so many characters, but I'll go with Daemon Black or maybe Draco Malfoy!

  44. Hmmmmmmm! I would have to go with Jasper Jamieson from Carrie Ann Ryan's Redwood Pack. :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway and congratulations on 2 awesome years. May there be many more to follow! I would like the GC.

  45. I'd Love for Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey to come visit me ;)

    I'd choose TBD ...

    Raffle name :Angel

  46. I want Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments to come visit me and shower me with glitters. *swoon*

    And $20 from TBD for me. :)


    I'd love a visit from Col. Brandon from Jane Austen's SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. Such a Gentleman. A favorite of mine.

    I'd choose TBD thank you.


  48. Happy Blogoversary!
    I would like if Lucas from Easy by Tammara Webber would be real :D I would like to hug him xD
    PS: I would choose the Amazon GC.

  49. Congrats for your blogoversary!!
    I would love to Bones Night Huntress
    amazon GC

  50. Oh wow what a choice but I would have to say Bones from the Night Huntress series! He is so sexy!

    I would like the gift card.

    Thanks for this giveaway!


    Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

  51. Noah Shaw from the Mara Dyer series, I'm just a little in love with him :)

    I would love to win the Amazon card, thank you!!!!

  52. Congratulations! :) And happy 2nd anniversary to you. :)
    I just love Fred and George Weasley! :D
    I would choose TBD, because it ships in our country! :) thankyousomuch!

  53. Happy Blogoversary!! We are just about the same age. Our 2 years is on Jan. 1st.

  54. Happy 2nd anniversary! I think I would love to be Mac from the Fever series...because Barrons ;)
    Amazon GC, since I love my ebooks! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  55. I'd like Anna from Anna Dressed in Blood to come visit for a day =)

    I'd like books from TBD please =) x

  56. Congrats on the milestone! So hard to choose one when there are so many I wish I could meet!

    I'd pick Merit from Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill - but I don't mind if she decides to bring Catcher with her ;)

    I'd prefer books from TBD option. Thanks for the chance ^^

  57. Two years - wow! Congratulations on such a great milestone!!

    I would love Harry Dresden to visit - he deserves a proper holiday! :-)

  58. I'd love to meet Jacob Black - I've never me a werewolf before:)

    I'd choose the TBD option. Thanks!

  59. I'd want to meet with someone from Harry Potter, Hermione probably :)
    I'd choose Amazon gc!
    thanks :)

  60. Yay, congratulations!! :-D I would love to meet Alexi from Lori Austin's Beauty and the Bounty Hunter, he is dreamy :-D

    Thank you!

    I would be happy with both the Book Depo pack or the Amazon GC

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  61. Congratulations!

    don't enter me, I just wanted to stop by:)

  62. Thank you everyone and good luck.

    @Highlandhussy glad you stopped by :)

  63. Happy Blogoversary! And thanks for the nice giveaway! I would prefer Amazon gift card , should I get lucky and who I would want to visit with would be Camille and Drake from Blood Debt by Nancy Straight. I thoroughly loved the fantasy/story.

  64. Congrats on the milestone!
    I would prefer TBD books.
    I would love to meet Bones from Night Hunter series.
    Thank you for the giveaway

  65. Alec Royce from the H&W Investigations series. I would love to win the Amazon GC. Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  66. Congrats and thank you for the chance! I'd definitely choose Lucas from Tammara Webber's EASY...I would prefer TBD books if you dont mind...big thanks!

  67. Oliver Wood from Harry Potter! I've a huge crush on him!

    Also I'd prefer TBD.

  68. I think I would like Hermione from HP to come visit me for a day. I think it'll be really fun to talk to her as we have a lot in common :]
    I'd love Harry to come visit, too! Maybe all the gang together? :p

    Also, I think I'd rather Amazon so I'll finally have something to buy from them (cause I use TBD usually, and I think I have to buy things from Amazon to post reviews) but I won't mind either way ;]

  69. I would prefer TBD.

    I would like to have Adrian from Vampire Academy/Bloodlines series. Thanks.

  70. Happy Blogoversary! I would choose Noah from the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, since he is hot, British and witty/sarcastic. Although I don't know if I'd be able to get a word in edgewise, what with me all flustered and starey haha.
    I'd prefer TBD, thanks. :)
