
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Feature and Follow # 9

Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Allison Can Read

Q: Books are turned into movies all the time! Turn it around. What movie would make a great book?

A. Right off hand I can't think of a movie but for a T.V show that I just recently discovered and fell in love with and that's Supernatural. I know I am a bit behind in jumping on the bandwagon with this show. But I just love it and I think it would make a fabulous book (series). 

Be sure check out the many giveaways going on right now, two of them being a 2 year Blogoversary celebration .  And the 1000 + Follower Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Old follower thanks for stopping by. Wow i think there at season 8. If you want to catch up but I didn't think of that one good answer.

  2. I have been wanting to watch Supernatural for a long time. I just now started to watch on Netflix and I am addicted.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I haven't managed to get into this series. Not because I'm not interested, but simply because I haven't had much time. Might have to change that now!!

    Old Follower :)
    Thanks for stopping by.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  4. I will have to check out Supernatural. I might've seen it a long time ago and liked it, but just got busy and forgot. There's two hot demon hunters in it, right? :) Yes, must get that one on DVD or something!

    New follow via Networked Blogs
    Old Follower via GFC

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction

  5. Hey there - old follower of yours, and thanks for stopping by. Supernatural - I've heard SUCH raves about that, it may influence my signing up for netflix LOL.

    Have a great weekend :)

    Renee @ Succotash Reviews

  6. It has all the seasons except the current one , 7 seasons. I am currently on 1 LOL. but that's cause my son has been watching with me and I can't watch it without him he says .

    Netflix is worth the money- though it takes forever for newer releases but there are so many things to watch you won't miss it right away.

  7. I have to watch I have heard alot about Supernatural and wanted to watch. Not much of a TV person though Thanks so much for stopping by my blog old follower GFC so I will follow Linky
    Book Review Club

  8. Love Supernatural!!! So amazing!!! Would each season be like one book? Idk but Dean and Sam are sexy!!! Thank you for commenting 8)

  9. I hadn't either until I got Netflix. now I am so hooked.

    Thanks for stopping by. Oh yea I am leaning towards Dean :) but love Sam too.

  10. Hopping through. I've heard great things about Supernatural. I should start watching it.
    My Hop

  11. IT is so good, I can't wait to get to season 2

    Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Supernatural isn't as show I follow, but I do think that the many character interactions and plot lines would lend themselves to a book where we could see more behind the scenes. Thanks for hitting my blog! Old follower on gfc.

  13. I haven't watched much of that, but I hear rave reviews. That would probably make a good series. I guess they made Buffy into a book so why not Supernatural?

    Thanks for stopping by Sarcasm & Lemons!


  14. I think it would be a great series, could get more in depth with the characters.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Sounds like a great series type of book! With the great interest in paranormal/UF, I bet Supernatural could fit right in.
    NInja Girl

  16. I think so too. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I'll be even later to the bandwagon -I hope to watch the first season soon!

    Thanks for stopping by My FF post I'm an old follower.

  18. It's so good, I just wished I would have started watching it sooner.

    My FF

  19. Cool Choice! Thanks for stopping by my site :)

    Old Follower: Marissa @ For The Love Of Film And Novels

  20. Actually this is already a book series! It has books with different "cases" that the brothers investigate, like the Buffy and Angel books! I read a few of them, and apparently there are more than the 3 or 4 that I read!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  21. EEEE Better late than never. Supernatural is my fav show ever.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  22. I love Supernatural! It would make an awesome series and i would love to read lots about Sam and Dean :-)

    I am new to FF and a new follower



  23. I always meant to start this show and never did.
    Thanks for stopping by, old follower

  24. I love Supernatural, but this season's been pretty terrible. If you've just started watching, I'd recommend stopping the show at the end of season five. That finale was *perfect*, and the show's gone downhill since, imo (this season's been plain awful).

    It's a fun show, though. The eye candy doesn't hurt, either! I'd read a book series on the Winchesters.

  25. I have seen a couple of people mention Supernatural. I have to give the show a try. Following back and looking forward to your posts.

  26. Supernatural would make a great book series!

    I'm a new follower :D Here is my FFF

  27. Awesome choice, Supernatural would make such a fun book series!!

  28. New GFC follower. I absolutely love the design of your blog! Can't wait to get to know your blog better. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  29. I would choose Amazon GC since I have so many books on Pre-order for the new year. Can't wait!

  30. never really seen Supernatural but I will have to give it a go. Old follower : )

    my FF and giveaway

  31. I really adore Supernatural, and despite the fandom and shipping wars, the fandom is one of the most thoughtful fandoms out there, so that's really another plus. (Especially was when Season 6 and 7 were aired and basically everyone was so disappointed, that they needed to analyze every little thing in order to find something redeemable. LOL)

    But I think it'd probably be hard to satisfy mentioned fandom if there were official books; right now you can ship whomever you want: Anna and Castiel, Megstiel, Destiel, Wincest, Sam and Cas, Bobby and whomever, or even the canon-ships. But if there were books.. Oh boy! :'D

    I'd read them anyway, though. Heheh.

    Patricia // My Hop

  32. I didn't know they had some books, I definitely will have to check out the fandom.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  33. I've heard alot of great things about Supernatural but I haven't been able to start watching it yet! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D Old follower.

    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

  34. Supernatural is a great choice!
    New Follower!
    Kristen @OCA

  35. Great pick. I have seen supernatural around but have never watched it. Now that you say it is good enough for a book, I might have to check it out. Thanks for sharing and visiting my FF. =] Old Follower.

  36. You should its a great show. Thanks for stopping by.

  37. i just jumped into supernatural too, i dont watch it everytime my roomies do but i am not dissapointed with it.

    My FF

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. YES!! I love Supernatural, but then Jensen Ackles is soooo HAWT!! Hehe!!

    Entered your newest Giveaway too!! Love a TBD GC!!

    Thanx for visiting my FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    Old Follower :)

  40. Yes he is so yummy :) Thanks for stopping by

  41. I haven't jumped on the Supernatural bandwagon yet, but I hear it's really very good. I want to watch it.

  42. old follower leaving a comment....prefer gc to TBD. Haven't seen supernatural. I chose Dirty Dancing because I think ,ost movies are based on books. .
    Happy Reading!

  43. I agree at least most movies I have seen.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    @Jennifer I was late too but so glad I have its awesome.

  44. Follower
    I would perfer GC (as to what book I would get more than likely the latest Chloe Neill)
    As to the other question my mind went blank on what the question was.


  45. I started off loving that series, and then it just kind of fizzled for me. Maybe I will give it another go!

    Old Linky follower, and looking forward to the giveaways! :-)

    I love W 13!! And Eureka! Good call. :-) New follower, thanks for stopping by! And I LOVE your quote at the top of your blog. Anne Rice is a darn genius.

  46. I would love a visit from Aeron from Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld series!
    Count me in for the TBD prize as I'm an international follower :)
    Old follower.

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  47. I've seen this on other people's lists. I' have to check it out. New follower. Please consider following me.

  48. I was in love/lust with Supernatural when it first came out, but somehow I completely forgot about it after the first season. It would make a very cool book series though.

    I'm a new follower via GFC :)

  49. I'm torn between the GC (so I can fill up on Kindle books again), but new paperbacks from TBD sound so tempting too!!

    I think I'd wanna meet Dresden from the Dresden Files :P I dunno why but I just thought of him although I've never read the books (seen the series before though).

  50. I would buy couple of romance books From US
