
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feature and Follow #13

Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Allison Can Read
Q:What book do you think everyone should read? If you could gift the entire population with one book? 
A: This is hard, there is so many I would say everyone needs to read and I should go with my standard answer but this time I am going to go with Harry Potter. That is one series that I could read back to back and still get the same reactions I did the very first time I read them. So what would be your choice? 

I am going to add a second answer and that would be for Adults and that is the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. This series is simply in one word amazing.



  1. I totally just bought Black Dagger Brotherhood. I feel like I'm in desperate need of some adult paranormal stuff right now! :) Too many contemporary romances and YS SF lately.

    Thanks for following over at the new blog! :) I'm a new e-mail subscriber this week! :p

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction AND my new blog Clean Teen Reads

  2. You will love it, please come back and let me know what you think.

    Thanks for the follow and Happy New Year

  3. Thanks for the follow....I love this feature! Happy New Year!


  4. I will definitely let you know how it goes! :) I might even start it tonight.

  5. Excellent choice. It never gets old! Here is my FF. Old follower :D

  6. @Brandee I do too, it's so much fun.

    @J.Anne It's great I need to reread it's been so long for me :)

    @Jaclyn It never does in fact I am itching to read them again.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by.

  7. Great F&F!

    I said it once, I will say it again, Harry Potter books NEVER get old! Great choice!

    New follower! My Feature & Follow

  8. Awesome answer! I love the Harry Potter books as much as I love books by Sarah Dessen (which was my answer).

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. New Linky follower :)

  9. I haven't read the Harry Potter books yet.

    Old GFC Follower

  10. Ooh nice!! Seeing a few HP picks! Loved that series!!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  11. Can I just say that I love the BDB series :) (I'm one of those few people you'd actually have to gift with the HP saga...)

    I'm an old follower, you can find my FF post here.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. I was also thinking the HP series. Haven't read the Black Dagger Brotherhood-- not sure it's for me-- but it's definitely an incredibly popular series. Have a great weekend and happy hopping. :)

    Kat @ A Myriad of Books

  13. You can't go wrong with HP! I also chose it. I love HP so much, and I think the majority of people in the world would love it too. :)

  14. New Follower! Thanks for commenting on my blog and I'm so glad you chose Harry Potter, like me!

  15. Thanks for everyone stopping by and following :) Happy New Year!

  16. Harry Potter is definitely a popular choice today. :)
    I'm planning on reading BDB (finally!) in the new year. Hope I'll love it as much as everyone else.

    Here's my F&F

    New follower :)

  17. It is :) BDB is fantastic one of my must buy series .

    Thanks for the follow and stopping by.

  18. Harry Potter definitely has it's universal appeal. Shockingly enough I haven't read the black dagger brotherhood yet, though I am a HUGE fan of the genre. I even have the first three books. Shame on me.

    Thanks for stopping by! And following via Twitter and GFC!

  19. I do love Harry Potter and almost put that for my was my number 2 choice. I agree with you about the BDB too! Thanks for stopping by this week! Old follower.
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
    my FF

  20. @Jessi- LOL maybe you can get to in 2013, I know it's one of my fave series of all time. Hope you like it as much as I do.

    @Traci- BDB and Harry Potter are fantastic. Thanks for stopping by.

  21. i probably should read the black dagger brotherhood but i am intimidated by the amount of books in the series and although im 26, im not one for 'adult themes' in books lol.

    Check out my Friday Follow

  22. Old Linky Follower, and thanks for checking out my post! I am finally working on BDB, and so far it is good!

  23. @Luna they are very adult so even though I highly recommend them it might not be for you :).

    @ Little Read Glad you are liking it. It's one of my faves of all time.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  24. LOVE the HP series. Thanks for stopping by my FF. New follower via GFC.


  25. Thanks for stopping by and Have a Happy New Year!

  26. Haven't heard of this book but it sounds interesting!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

  27. I beyond love the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Waiting for Lover At Last is torture. I just have to know what happens with Qhuinn and Blay.

    Linky Follower
    My FF

  28. @Sarah Thanks for stopping by :)

    @Ginny I know waiting for a whole year for these books is torture :). Thanks for stopping by.

  29. No it doesn't, though I haven't gotten to JM's, Payne's or Tohr's yet.

  30. I'm saving to buy a Kindle Paperwhite!

  31. Harry Potter is a great choice. I'd have to go with the fourth book if I could only choose one, it was the most surprising for me.

    Following you back!
