
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

File Size: 867 KB 
Print Length: 387 pages 
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0545425115 
Publisher: Scholastic Press; Reprint edition (September 1, 2009)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
ISBN-10: 0439023483 ISBN-13: 978-0439023481 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Enabled 
Lending: Enabled
Source: My own copy 



 In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games," a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed.


I know what you're saying what took you so long to read this book, to be honest I just have a crazy insane TBR list and it just kept getting pushed back.  So when my son got The Hunger Games for Christmas on DVD we watched Christmas Night and I knew immediately I had to read the book afterwards. I had too many questions from the movie.

I seriously could kick myself for waiting so long in reading this book, what was wrong with me? What was I thinking?  Because not only did this book answer those questions I had, but painted an even better picture of the characters, as well as the story.  Now I know what the fuss is all about. 

I would have read this in one setting if I hadn't been so tired last night.  The story flowed and I just love the characters.  I am not sure which Team I am on but I can say I absolutely love Katniss , she is a spunky character and not once was I annoyed with her.  As a parent I can't even imagine sending my child off to the Hunger Games.  

I honestly can't wait to read Catching Fire, and I promise I won't wait so long to read that one.




  1. Got the box set of HB books for Christmas, read first book 2 years ago and finished books 2 and three yesterday and today Donna so you are not the only one behind.

    You are going to need lots more tissues, especially with Mockingjay.

  2. Thanks for the warning LOL, I just can't believe I waited so long to read it. Now I have to get book 2 yet and 3. Might have to wait til the first of the month to get it.

  3. You will not regret it, you might need "therapy" after reading #3 though. :-(

  4. Oh No! That doesn't sound so good, I haven't decided who I like more Peeta or Gale yet. I like them both :)

  5. Your loyalty to both will be tested and your choice will be made, though not as easily as for Katniss.

  6. OH boy that's got me thinking LOL.

  7. I am still unsettled but admit the author defended her choice for Katniss, the trilogies ending and how the final scenes were handled quite well for my taste. I am still unhappy about certain characters being sacrificed in the last book but know without their deaths the final choice between Peeta and Gale would have been harder.

  8. I heard the talk about how many hated the last book because of it, I didn't read too much more because I didn't want a spoiler but deaths always get me no matter who it is. So I can just imagine what my reaction will be.

  9. Love/Hate relationship for many with book 3. You have to keep an open mind and decide for yourself but is is very very distressing reading at certain points.

  10. I will definitely keep that in mind. Just have to wait a week or so before I can.

  11. Off topic have you read Immortal Rules yet by Julie Kagawa? Amazon has Ebook on sale for $1.99 and my TPB copy will not release until March but am trying to resist buying Ebook.

  12. I saw that and snagged it because I been wanting it I got The Goddess Test too for those prices. It's for today only

  13. Good, I snagged the sample and am struggling to wait to read the physical book because $2 is such a tempting good deal, TGT did not know about have to ck it out.

  14. I really enjoyed this whole series although the third book left a little to be desired to me, I understand why the series went where it did.

    I hope you enjoy the second and third book!

    Thanks for the great review!

  15. @Jackie- I just went and got it, I don't have much more room for physical books anymore. Had to downsize a lot since we moved. I just couldn't resist such a great deal.

    @Alexa- I heard that a lot about the third book. I can't wait to start it, since with my new Kindle I have prime free for 30 days I can borrow Catching Fire is what I might do instead of waiting til next week.
