Thursday, August 16, 2012

Review: Skolthan by Damaris West

File Size: 336 KB
Print Length: 202 pages
Publisher: Any Subject Books (March 14, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Source: Received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Skolthan: Witches, magic and mystery

Be prepared for a terrifying tale of evil and witchcraft.

From the primitive cottage where she lives a hermit-like existence, Hilda can reach a tidal island which gives her access to a beautiful world, a fragment of the one-time Garden of Eden.

She is almost unique in possessing the gift to pass through to this other world, but her gift puts her in danger from sinister forces that wish to use the island’s power to secure their own domination.

In a bid to rescue a mother and her unborn child, the intended victims of a horrific ritual with cosmic implications, Hilda and her friends must outwit a charismatic warlock (Hilda’s former husband) and the arch-witch Alice, embodiment of evil, who masquerades as a midwife.

Their mission culminates in an act which threatens to tip them over the edge into the same evil world which they are so anxious to destroy. Nonetheless, good prevails, but at a terrible price …

This premise had me intrigued, after all, its about witches. I love witches, though I have to admit I haven't read that many books with them as the main characters. That being said, I wanted to like this book, but I struggled with it.

The book is written in first person and I know how hard it is to write in that POV. But I just didn't seem to connect with Hilda, like I should have. It lacked emotional attachment, maybe that is what it was supposed to be. I am not sure. But all the characters felt a little stiff to me.

The story-line started off slow then picked up a little bit about midway through the book. And though I didn't seem to connect with the characters, the story moved pretty decent after that which is what kept me reading.

What I liked, was once Hilda turned for help, the group banned together to fight or help against the evil. And the fact she still remained a champion for Camila.

I do think this book has potential. I may not have cared for it as much as I would have liked too, but that doesn't mean this won't be for you. So if you love Witches, magic and all the rituals that go with it then this book is for you.

2 out 5 stars


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