Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Spooktacular: Day 24: Review and Guest Post by Emma Meade: Halloween Movies


Please give a warm welcome to Emma Meade, who is guest posting today on BLH, Thank you Emma for stopping by today! 

 Halloween Movies 

There's nothing I love better on Halloween than kicking back with some of my all time favourite scary movies. After the last trick-or-treater leaves, fall back on your couch and hit play.

My suggestions for October 31st start with Hocus Pocus. Okay, not so scary, but it's deliciously enchanting and darn good fun. The Sanderson Sisters (Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy) are hanged in 1693 for murdering a beloved child. Fast forward three hundred years and some kids bring them back to life when virgin, Omri Katz lights the black flame candle. A night of high jinks ensues. The costumes are stunning, the atmosphere spooky, and Midler and Parker even give us some hot musical numbers. This is guaranteed fun for the whole family.

To ease you into something a little more frightening, let's visit vampire infested Santa Carla where The Lost Boys reside. Jason Patric and Corey Haim are uprooted by their newly divorced mother to the Californian seaside resort, where Patric takes a shine to the beautiful Star. Little does he know he's about to be initiated into a group of biker vampires led by Kiefer Sutherland. Corey Feldman is on hand to put a stop to the vampire shenanigans, and watching he and Haim team up to destroy the monsters is worth the watch alone.

Now you're ready for the scariest monster of them all, Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street. "One, two, he's coming after you. Three, four, better lock that door." Well, you know how the rhyme goes. I must have been thirteen when I first watched this in my cousins' house in County Limerick. If my parents had known what I was watching, they would not have been impressed. The black and red jumper wearing baddie likes to hunt down the teenagers of Elm Street in their nightmares. If he gets you in your dream, you die for real. I dare you to fall asleep after this.

Struggling to get some shuteye? It's time for The Blair Witch Project. What can go wrong when three young people enter the woods to shoot a documentary on the local legend of the Blair Witch? Lose the map, and turns out, a lot. Every day the trio spend lost in the woods leads to more distressing incidents, like rocks being left outside their tent at night and strange noises. If you like shaky camera, found footage type films, give this a go. It's seriously creepy. Watching this brings me back to being a teenager and looking at the cinema screen on Halloween night through my fingers.

And finally, to lighten the mood and chase away the shadows, throw on the season two Halloween episode of Buffy, which is a must watch for me every year. Seeing Buffy as a helpless lady of leisure from the past, Xander in soldier mode and ghostly Willow take charge is entertaining every time. When evil sorcerer, Ethan, casts a spell on Halloween that makes all kids become the costume they're wearing, all hell breaks loose in Sunnydale. Funny stuff.

So that's it. Happy Halloween to everyone. Don't eat too much candy!

File Size: 138 KB
Print Length: 43 pages 
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 
Language: English 
ASIN: B00647Y158 
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
X-Ray: Not Enabled 
Lending: Enabled



 It's good to be alive...when you're dead! Meet Alex & Tristan, modern star-crossed lovers of the supernatural variety. Alex is running-on-empty, one year on from the death of her fiancé, and the only thing that keeps her going is her romance with the young vampire Tristan. Tristan, meanwhile has a serious obsession with Bruce Springsteen, and is battling a 'can't live without you' sort of love for Alex. He's trying to persuade her to come over to the dark side but so far she's resisting his efforts.

So come and sing along to Tristan's band, The Dead Beats, the hottest group in London right now, and walk with Alex as she teeters between this life and the next. Because when you're around Tristan, you'll see, how much fun it is to be alive when you're dead....

Night Sighs is an adult paranormal romance, following the relationship & adventures of Tristan & Alex through five short stories: The Dead Beats, The Ancients, Until My Body Is Dust, Bourbon & Jazz and West of Forever.


I have to say these kind of books are hard to rate and review, because they are so short and you don't want to give out any important details. I will do my best not to spoil any of it for you. 

This novella consisted of 5 short stories revolving around Tristan and Alex and their relationship and how it progressed.  The first story: The Dead Beats, we are introduced to this couple. This one starts out very passionate and ends with a shocking twist. One I didn't see coming and though I understand why he did it, I am not sure I would have been too thrilled with him if had with me.

You all know my love for vampires and I have another love as well, music and this author combined the two to create Tristan.  He was a bit possessive, or maybe obsessive of Alex , which is why it led him to the decision he made in the first story.

The Second Story: The Ancients, they travel to Egypt and I can say this one was a bit spooky, quite fitting for this time of year. The Third Story: Until My Body is Dust, where  the action really kicked into gear. I can't say too much because I don't want to spoil it.  The Fourth Story: Bourbon and Jazz, after the craziness in Story 2, they traveled to New Orleans, just when they thought they could relax there was more action.  And finally Story 4: West of Forever ; The happiness they were both searching for.

While I did like this novella, I just wished it could have been more, parts seemed  a bit rushed. I am not the type that has to have a lot of  detail, I  just would have liked to have more. Other than that I did enjoy this adventure with Tristan and Alex. I hope to read more of them in the future.  Maybe divulge into their past a little bit.


About The Author:
Emma Meade lives in rainy Ireland. She loves vampires, slayers, witches, ghosts, aliens & shadow men (or at least the youngest of the Shadow Men), and regular people who live extraordinary lives (think Slayerettes and you’re on the right track). Books, DVDS & TV show boxsets take up lots of space in her home, and she collects all the Point Horror books she can get her hands on.

Writing supernatural short stories and watching marathon re-runs of Buffy are some of her favourite ways of escaping reality.

 Author's Links 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway Photobucket


Anonymous said...

Thanks a mill for featuring Night Sighs and me.

Unknown said...

Emma, I'm pretty sure you named some of my all-time favorite scary movies! Great post, and pretty picture! :)

Texas Book Lover said...

I just can't do the scary movies. I leave them to my daughter who loves!

Anonymous said...

Jen, you and I are on the same page.
Texas Book Lover - try Hocus Pocus, not in the least scary, just lots of magical fun.

Becky said...

I love scary movies. Its been a while since I've seen Hocus Pocus. I will have to re-watch that movie. I haven't decide which scary movies I will be watching this year for Halloween.
Night Sighs sounds like a very interesting story. I've added it my list to get.

Elaine G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine G said...

I love Hocus Pocus.Me and my niece used to watch it every Halloween. I like the scary movies,but not the gory,all about the blood and how can we gross out the audience the best ones that have been coming out lately.

Texas Book Lover said...

On a side note...no matter what computer I try or how many times I refresh the screen I cannot get the rafflecopter forms to load...my tweet link is below. Hope it counts.


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