Monday, January 14, 2013

Vampire vs. Werewolf Giveaway Hop

When I saw this hop, I knew I had to sign up. Vampire's vs Werewolves ? That is a hard question to answer.  As much as many of you know I love love love vampires but lately werewolves have been a new favorite of mine.  Can't I have both pretty  please with sugar on top? Okay I will let you make your decision?


What's your pick?  Now on to my giveaway, I am giving away either a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 worth of books at TBD to choose your own vampire or werewolf books.  The Giveaway is International for as long as TBD ships to you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway



gamistress66 said...

prefer werewolves -- they just so sexy & can play in the sunshine :)

Barbara E. said...

My favorite is vampires, although I enjoy werewolves too. My favorite vampires are the couple Bones and Cat from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.

Anonymous said...

Werewolves for me- they're more rugged :)

Unknown said...

Looks like someone`s a fan of True Blood :D
Ahh, it`s hard but I`m gonna go with vampires from Anne Rice`s Vampire Chronicles (Lestat, Louis, Armand).

Jewel said...

I LOVE books.
My top 5 favorite vamps are >>>
1. Bones from Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost.
2. Acheron from Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
3. Dimitri from Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead.
4. Edward from Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer.
5. Eric from The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.
I don't like any vamps from tv shows, but I do currently have a favorite werewolf & that is Dyson from Lost Girl.

Swordlily said...

I love vampires...The Vampire Diaries, True Blood of course, Twilight.. :)
-Karina V

Elizabeth T. said...

I prefer werewolves in books and movies. :)

Elizabeth H. said...

I cannot choose!!! I love them both!! Some of my fave vamps and werewolves are:
Bones - Jeaniene Frost, Night Huntress Series
Zsadist - J.R. Ward, Black Dagger Brotherhood
Dimitri - Nalini Singh, Guild Hunter Series
The Kayr Brothers - Rebecca Zanetti, Dark Protectors
Vane, Fang, and Fury - Sherrilyn Kenyon, Were-Hunter/Dark-Hunter series
All the wolves in Katie Reus' Moon Shifter series!!
Thanks for the great hop!!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Ugh. I can't choose! I loooove vampires and werewolves! Clay for a were. Bones for a vamp. Just to name one of each!

booklover0226 said...

Though I love both, vamps are my favorite.

I adore Xavier and Darian for DN Simmons' KOTDC series.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

miki said...

i love werewolves and shifters in general: favorite series kate daniels and mercy tompson ones ^^

thank you a lot for this giveaway international

Tara P said...

100% Vampire!! I going to have to pick two favs and they are Vishous and Rhage from the BDB!

Unknown said...

I enjoy books with either/or or both ;)
Kresley Cole, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kerrilyn Sparks, Heather Killough-Walden, Molly Harper, T Michelle Nelson, Katie MacAlister, Sandra Hill, Rebecca Zanetti, Alexandra Ivy, Laura Wright, Cynthia Eden, JR Ward, Gena Showalter, Lynsay Sands, Carrie Ann Ryan, Pamela Palmer, and the list keeps growing!

Fave vamp (right now): Az from Heather Killough-Walden's Death's Angel
Fave shifter: Parish from the new Bayou Heat series by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright.

Josette Schaber
evanlea at gamil dot come

Shattered Rainbows said...

My fave used to be vampire. Now I'm leaning towards the werewolf. Adam from the Mercy Thompson series. Clay from the Women of the Otherworld series.

Anonymous said...

I like them both. If I have to choose I'd prefer to be a vampire and/or have a werewolf boyfriend xD

Autumn said...

I truly enjoy both! But I myself have been going leaning towards the werewolf side a bit more. I don't really have a favorite as of yet! Still need to read a few more werewolf books. :D

Diane said...

I love both and kresley Cole covers those and more.

Unknown said...

I prefer werewolves or any shifters and Alcide is drool worthy. One of my favorites is Rule from the Lupi Novels by Eileen Wilks

Unknown said...

Can I choose both?
Although I haven't read alot of books about them, I love both characters because of their how strong and hot they are. Also there's some vulnerability which can be seen once in a while which adds to their hotness meter.
Thanks for the giveaway!

magic5905 said...

I love vampires more, but I adore Alcide on True Blood.

DJL said...

It will always be werewolves. :) They're just superior in the fact that they're still alive and warm-blooded. lol

Book-wise, I think my favorite characters are Sam from Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, Lord Conall Maccon from Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series, and Devon from Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

TV-wise, it's Alcide from True Blood, no questions asked.

Unknown said...

I first fell in love with Vampires. Anne Rice's vampires. :)

elaing8 said...

I like both. But since I have to pick,I'll go with Vampires. Love Bones from the Night Huntress Series.

Carin said...

I want a vamp in the summer and a were in the winter ;o) I am not a tv or movie watcher to much. Carin mawmom at gmail dot com

books4me said...

I am a werewolf fan...they are usually bigger and hotter than vamps!

Muffley said...

Vampire! Though I have to say that Eric is getting on my nerves recently. Wouldn't mind having bones though!!! Or Snow!!! :-)

Anne said...

I like both, but after years am switching more toward weres. Well, Alcide from True Blood more than the books. Adam from the Mercy Thompson series.

Bewitched reader said...

I don’t even have to think about this one‼ Vampires are my all time favorite. My favorite Vampire from a book is Edward, I know but he is the reason I fell in love with vampires in the first place! And from TV, definitely Eric from True Blood‼

Unknown said...

I love both, but there is something about the werewolfs that I love more, maybe the muscles and the strength? hehe

Cassandra said...

I prefer vamps but love werewolves too :)
For vampires: Kresley Cole's Lothaire, Charlaine Harris's Eric, Jeaniene Frost's Bones, Vlad, & Ian, JR Ward's BDB men, & Sherrilyn Kenyon's DH men :)
For werewolves: Kresley Cole's Lykae pack (especially Bowen), Charlaine Harris's Alcide & Sherrilyn Kenyon's weres :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I prefer vampires, but I <3 weres too.

Erica and Sam (True Blood)

Damon, Klaus (TVD)

Spike (BTVS)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway xD

Sharon Stogner said...

I like a man with an inner beast inside! ;) Cole knows how to write a sexy beast. thanks!

fredamans said...

I prefer werewolves... I mean, LOOK at that dark, handsome furry little puppy above... my gosh. He blows the blond, pale, cold vampire out of the water.
Need I remind all you ladies of Taylor Lautners' abs?! Enough said.

pippirose said...

I like vampires--my favourite, a classic--Frank Langella

suzi1811 said...

I like both but my favourites are werewolves! I love Kelley Armstrong's werewolves among others! Werewolves are so sexy and if you get caught in a snow storm they'll keep you a lot warmer then a vamp will!

Karen Michelle Nutt said...

I just love both!!
Favorite vampire: Damon form Vampire Diaries and Julian Luna from Kindred the Embrace (TV show)
Favorite werewolf: Alcide from True Blood. Just look at his picture above. What's not to love. lol

Mary Kirkland said...

I like vampires. My favorite movie is Fright Night...the original.

Booklover Sue said...

I love both! True Blood has some hot vamps and shifters.

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

The Scarf Princess said...

I LOVE both but more often than not I'm more drawn to vampires. I can't get enough of the TV show True Blood! There are some super sexy vamps on that show! JR Ward's BDB also presents super sexy vampires that I'm addicted to.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

flip said...

werewolves Love the weres in Patricia Briggs paranormal series.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...


Heather said...

Vampires!!!!!!! The Lost Boys, True Blood, Jeaniene Frost books, Jess Haines books, Lynsad Sands books and many many more.

Unknown said...

Vampires!! (:
Damon Salvador

Mirjam said...

I like both vampires and werewolves, but if I had to choose between the two I think I will go with werewolves. I love the werewolves in Patricia Briggs's series or the Riley Jenson Guardian series. My favourite vampires are Jean-Claude (Anita Blake) and Erik (Sookie Stackhouse).

Unknown said...

WEREWOLVES. As much as I love vamps, I love werewolves more. They're sooo....RAAAWR ;) lol
Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

I love wolves! Alcide is just too hot.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Liss Martz said...

Vampires! I just love them! Though I don't have favorite werewolve character, I just fell in love with Dimitri from VA

Unknown said...

I like both but I prefer werewolves. Even though it seems that there a lot more sexy vampires on tv than there are of werewolves! My favorite wolves are Dyson (Lost Girl), Alcide(TB) and Derek(TeenWolf)

Unknown said...

I like both but werewolves were always my favorite by a bit. Richard from Anita Blake was always awesome

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

Probably vampires

I would say Ethan from Chicagoland series is my favorite!!

Unknown said...

I like both, but if I had to choose it would be Vampires. Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse books and TV show would probably be my favorite.


Nay Nay said...

While I like Vampires, Werewolves are my favorites. YUM!!!!!!! There is just something about a sexy alpha werewolf that floats my boat! My favorite “Sexy Werewolf” is Smitty from Shelly Laurenston’s “The Beast In Him”. He is a real laid back kind of alpha male until you threaten someone he cares about. Then all bets are off and that BEAST comes out to kick major butt.

Thanks for the chance to win. <^_^>

Julie R said...

I love Eric and Alcide. So hard to choose, I don't know.

Unknown said...

I'm with you on the "can't I have both"! But if I'm forced to pick from my favorite Vampire (Eric from True Blood) or Werewolf (Tyler from Vampire Diaries)....I'm gonna have to go with...I can't choose, please don't make me! Fine, Werewolves!

Bebe said...

wolves, alcide; what could be any yummier.
vera28546 at yahoo at (dot) com

Evie said...

Werewolf and my favorite is Jacob Black.
Thanks for the giveaway!

JessS said...

I have to go with vampires due to a very early addiction to Buffy. And then my fave is probably Angel, although rewatching recently and Spike is under reconsideration.

Unknown said...

Love the picks. I would pick the vamp :)

nancy said...

My favorite vamp is Barnabas Collins, the original as portrayed by Jonathan Frey. Yes I'm old, I watched the tv show when I would get home from school.

laceyblossom said...

I love werewolves! Charles from the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs is my favorite :)
Lacey T

Sue Sattler said...

My first love was Spike from Buffy.

Readsalot81 said...

I'm a wolf girl ;) I love the wolves in Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series.. although, her vampires are pretty damn sexy too. Hmph.

VampedChik said...

I like them both!11 But I'll go with vampires for today. Cuz I always loved the movie lost boys and Spike and Angel from Buffy.

Unknown said...

I love all werewolves

Michelle Bledsoe said...

I love both but werewolves hold my heart more...
Love Adam,Ben,and Warren from Patricia Briggs's Mercy Thompson series.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

ooo i love me some werewolves. and my fav for sure is alcide from true blood - thanks for the pic BTW.
pepperpenn42 at gmail dot com

erin said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! Team Werewolf all the waaaaaay!!

I love, love, love Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniel series. Curran... yum...

jmcgaugh said...

As a general rule, I prefer vampires. However, when it comes to choosing between Eric and Alcide, I'd have to go with Alcide. My favorite TV vampire is Spike; Bones is my favorite book vampire.

DeeDee Griffin said...

Werewolves are way hotter! One of my favorites is Decibel from The Grey Wolves series by Quinn Loftis.

donnas said...

Vampires and one of my favs is Bones

Stacey Smith said...

love both Vampires and Werewolves
favorite Vamp is Acheron
Can't think witch is my favorite Werewolf just love them all.

Janhvi said...

Damon from the Vampire Diaries is my favorite.

strawberryrose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
strawberryrose said...

I love both but have a soft spot for the Werewolves. I have one Author that I like that has written both, D. B. Reynolds. "Heart of the wolf" and Vampires of America series starting with "Raphael". Both excellent!

Judy P

Judy said...

I like vamps, but I love werewolves and shifters of all kinds. I think the sexiest shifters are from Shelley Laurenston's Pack and Pride Series.

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I'm a Vamp girl and I love Bones!

Mary Preston said...

Vampires - I don't know if I have a favorite.


Unknown said...

Werewolves all the way!! Sexy growly dominant Alpha types are my weakness!! Adam from the Mercy Thompson series fits the bill perfectly!

Ellen Thompson said...

I prefer werewolves and I enjoyed the Twilight series and also the Kane/Cabot series by Teresa Medeiros. Thanks!

thompsonem3 at aol dot com

Pink Fluffy Hearts said...

While I love them both, Eric has my vote. Yum. Best kind of Vampire! Haha :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Werewolves are vulnerable and loyal, and make for great m/m characters--yes, please!


Dovile said...

I love vampires, but my favorite is actually a werewolf, Jacob Black.

Irene Jackson said...

My favourite vampire is Zsadist from the BDB but I love werewolves and shifters the most. Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega and the Mercy Thompsom series are favourites.

Krista said...

I love vamps and my favorite would have to be Bones from the Night Huntress series. He is just so yummy!

Unknown said...

I think I prefer vamps but Alcide above makes me wonder:p Great choices of pics btw! I think Eric Northman is my favorite from the Sookie Stackhouse series! Thanks!

CBarton said...

I am a shifter lover all the way, not saying that I'd turn down a hot Vamp down. Favorite one is kinda hard there are so many of them. Decibil from The Prince of Wolves Seeries sounds pretty much perfect. Thank you for the giveaway.

Carol L. said...

Love them both but Werewolves always push a little higher. Especially Alcide but Lyndsey Sands and Kerrelyn Sparks Vamps are favorites.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Brandi Slater said...

I love both but I would do anything for Damon off of The Vampire Diaries on tv :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Book: Dante from Monere, Children of The Moon series by Sunny
Tv Show: Franklin from True Blood!!!

Kamla L. said...

Like you, I'm greedy and want my vampires and werewolves too. So many favs...where to start..Wraith from Larissa Ione' Demonica Series,
Dante from Lara Adrian's Midnight Breeds series, Lachlain from Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark, Simeon from Lauren Dane's Bound by Magick.....Oh I could just keep going and going and.....

Ashley Applebee said...

Oh I pick BOTH especially when you post pics like that of Eric and Alcide!! And those would be my favorites too!!
I live in the USA :)
Ashley A

Filia Oktarina said...

I always love both, but recently my reading books was werewolf, so i think this month i choose werewolf. LOL!!
My favorite now was Adam Haupman from Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs!!
Thanks for giveaway :)

Beckey said...

I really enjoy both were and vamp... There is so many that I could name from books

BDB to Carrie Ann's Redwood Pack to Mercy's Thompson to Spark's Vamps...

As for Vamps in movies would have to answer by saying the one Johnny Depp played (I so bad with names)

Mimi Smith said...

Werewolves. Feral nature, sexiness and that unique POV... Rawr...

In a book my fav werewolf is William from Ilona Andrews's Bayou Moon.

Alina P said...

Vampires :D
I love Lothaire from Immortals after dark.

Vanessa N. said...

Hard choice. But i'd pick werewolves. One of my favorites is Charles from Patricia Briggs' Alpha and Omega series.

Unknown said...

I love both, it depends on the series! I love Eric (from Southern Vampire), Bones, Ian, and Vlad (from the Night Huntress World), and Adam (from Mercy Thompson)!

wanda f said...

I love every single werewolf Ive read one of my all time favorites is Jakc from How To Date A Werewolf

Unknown said...

I prefer werewolves. My favorite is William from Ilona Andrew's Bayou Moon.

Texas Book Lover said...

Gotta say both. I love them both too much to pick. You picked two of my favorites too from TV at least although Damon from Vampire Diaries is fabulous too!

Unknown said...

werewolf's here from the patricia briggs mercy thompson series ben would be my favorit

Linda said...

I love weres, =) there´s just something about their animal side *rawr* Manganiello is a fav.
best wishes, Linda
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love the Vampires! I wish I could be more original but the thought of Damon from TVD gets my motor revving. He definitely has a grin that can drop any girls panties!

Thanks for the great giveaway,

Brittbee Giveaways said...

werewolfs. i love the show suernatural .-,

Jillyn said...

I love werewolves, but vampires are my first love.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Ellz said...

I love vampires, but Alcide from true blood wins every time. (SWOON)

Misha said...

Without a doubt- vampires! I love werewolves, too. But~ there's just nothing that can beat a hot vamp to me! My vampire of choice? Kaname Kuran from the manga Vampire Knight. :)

Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Facing off is always fun!

Unknown said...

Can I choose Michael, half-vampire, half-werewolf, from Underworld? ;)

Adila (from Azerbaijan)

P.S. TBD doesn't ship to me, but Amazon does.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary @SweepingMe said...

I choose vampire in the series by K.J. Wignall everyone else werewolves I think...


celina k said...

Have to say vampires, and I agree with you on your choice. Eric is probably my favorite currently :)

Veronika said...

I prefer Vampires! I like watching The Vampire Diaries!

LisaILJ said...

I prefer vampires. I don't have a favorite Vampire show right now, but I always loved Interview with a Vampire, although yes, the book was better.

Shani said...

Lestar, vampires it is!

latishajean said...

I really love vampires one of my first favorites!
I love Bones as one of my favorite vampires!

Steph said...

I'm a vamp girl all the way! Eric from True Blood is SOOO sexy!

Maria Malaveci said...

Tough tough choice, but definitely vampire, and my absolute favorite vampire is Alexander Skarsgard from True Blood!

K. A. Last said...

I'm a vamp girl through and through. My fave is Spike from Buffy. Love that bad boy.

Emily said...

I'm Team Vampire, though I do have a soft spot for Eric from True Blood. And I love the wolves in the Mercy Thompson novels.

Bea Tejano said...

Vampire all the way! My favorite is Damon from The Vampire Diaries:)

Toni Porter said...

I'm definitely a vampire gal. I love Eric from True Blood, Mick St. John from Moonlight, and Henry from Blood Ties, and I can't really decide between the three of them.

Kalex said...

I like them both but I don't really have a favorite.

Adria's Musings said...

I have been a vampire girl for most of my life but lately I've been seeing werewolves in a different light. So I guess I'm going to go with werewolves this time around. My favorite, or one of my favorites is Dashiel Thorpe, the Earl of Brimsworth from Lydia Dare's The Taming of the Wolf.

Sherry said...

I love werewolves the best. I can't think of a favorite right now though.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Gosh Vamps me thinks!

Edward from Twilight and Eric from True Blood!! Oh...Brad Pitt in Interview with a Vamp too

raffle name: Nikki O

Yipperbear said...

vamps. frank langella's dracula. yeah, i'm old

*yadkny* said...

The Were's have it for me:)

Caitlin said...

Werewolves! Hmm...just one favorite? Maybe Adam Hauptman from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series?

michedt said...

I'm a vampire girl myself. My favorite vampire has always been Lestat.
michelletucker at baconnation dot net

Spav said...

Werewolves for the win!

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