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Q. It's circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them...
Five quirky habits well lets see:
1. I normally have to have it all quiet in order for me to read and I usually do my reading at night to accomplish that but lately I have found since starting my blog is that I am able to read with music- so I place on my headphones and drown out the world other than my music and read.
2. I worry all the time, about the least little thing it doesn't matter.
3. I love to read Fanfiction.
4. When I start a series I have to get the whole series no matter if I know if I am going to like it before I can start reading it.
5. I am hopelessly addicted to those Facebook Games, though I can stop playing them for awhile when I do go back I have to play them everyday.
This meme is hosted Crazy For Books
This week's question is: If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?
My Answer: I will say Any book from the Dark Hunters series- New Orleans with maybe an occasional visit to Olympus.
I used to be hopelessly addicted to the Facebook games. I finally kicked the habit. But, like you, I'm sure I'd play them everyday several times a day if I ever picked them up a gain. Once a gameaholic, always a gameaholic. :)
I am a chronic worrier as well and it drives me nuts. I hate to worry but it's just a part of me. And I love fanfiction as well! It's a guilty pleasure! Happy Friday! New follower!
Oh, I simply can't read with anything on: tv, radio, music..it distracts me too much!
Thanks for stopping by!
Nat @ Reading Romances
Small Blogs, Big Giveaways
I agree with having a quiet environment to read. If someone so much as coughs..I loose my reading mojo.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
-Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.
I used to stay on Sorority Life on Facebook. But do to some game drama I left it alone. It just wasn't that serious for me. Anywho, thanks for stopping by my blog, you now have a new follower! Have a great weekend!
i hear you about getting the whole series, unless its like.. 10 books, then ill get them one at a time (or get them super cheap on amazon!)
I’ve seen a lot of great picks and gathered some fresh titles to add to my ever-growing TBR list. My answer will probably stun most people because the world I picked is a place most people would be scared to death of and try to escape from. Me? I want in.
Hop on over to my blog and be prepared for the unexpected – http://www.howardsherman.net
Howard Sherman
Wow! You are such a risk-taker. Do you then finish the whole series because you invested in the series?
Yea sometimes its backfired on me LOL
Thanx for hopping by Paranormal Wastelands and OMG girl your blog speaks to me.
It is soooo GORGIOUS!!! I uber lovers it...I think I have blog envy;) Especially of the broken angel girl with here knees in her chest in the grave yard....EPIC!! All the way down to the tattoo's
New follower here!
Here's ours & what we've been up to this week!
Thanks for visiting Starting the Next Chapter. Nora Roberts actually has several trilogies with a paranormal bent. They're not often as dark as others, but they're pretty fun to read at times. Happy reading!
Hopping through. Yay fanfiction. I'm a big fan of Twilight fanfiction. It's hard to find stories though that fit my criteria - Loyal to canon and decently written.
My Hop
Oh yea I am a big fan of fanfiction, I read all sorts. I agree when you find good ones its easy to lose yourself in them.
I used to love reading fanfiction for Sailor Moon, but I've never been able to read it for anything else. Thanks for stopping by. :D
I am a MASSIVE worrier *sigh* it sucks ey!!
Your blog is just STUNNING
- Kylie
you forgot one other quirk!
You can turn any innocent thought or saying into something Jovi related!
Hi im new to follow friday and can't wait to meet all you new cool people!
Angel's Cove Book Reviews
ROFL oh yea but I figured they have enough of my Jovi talking over here LOL
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