Joey Green’s Amazing Pet Cures:
1,130 Simple Pet Remedies and Treatments Using Brand Name Products
By Joey Green
Published by: Rodale Press, Inc.
First Printing: April 26, 2011
ISBN13: 9781605291284
Amazon; Barnes and Noble; Goodreads
Concept: “From the man who knows how to fertilize houseplants with Jell-O and give someone a dry shampoo with Quaker Oats comes the first book of pet care tips that tackles everyday pet illnesses, quirky behaviors, and animal smells and stains by tapping into the power of brand-name products.
The ever-inventive Joey Green presents fun and offbeat remedies for a wide range of pet troubles, from bad breath and skunks to hot spots and ticks. Who would have guessed that ChapStik stops a nail bleed or that Listerine can quell itching? Why not forego expensive and toxic flea sprays and use Dawn dishwashing liquid or Johnson’s Baby Powder as a treatment instead?
Even though these tips sound quirky (use Smirnoff vodka to clean your pet’s ears?), they really do work because many brand-name products contain soaps, degreasers, emollients, and moisturizers to soothe, clean, dissolve, and heal quickly and safely. This fun-to-read book makes a great gift for pet lovers and is a practical guide for anyone looking for simple and easy shortcuts to live the good life with a pet.”
Review: Yes, my paranormal romance loving friends, this is a review about a pet book. Hey, there IS more to life than paranormal romance. Or, so I keep telling myself.
The beginning chapter in this book had me hooked on turning pages. You see, most every day, I walk out onto my green lawn that I’ve worked very hard to get that way, and right by my mailbox (which seems to be *the* spot) is a lovely little present from some neighborhood dog (or even coyote for all I know). It irks me something fierce. So wouldn’t you know that the opening chapter is about this very problem! What does Mr. Green suggest you do? Sprinkle down some cayenne pepper and that will stop a dog from sniffing and therefore from er, doing its thing.
I am a dog person. I’ve owned dogs as long as I can remember (and even longer than that if historians in my family are correct) and my mother was a breeder for much of my youth. I have learned a few things about dogs myself. Things involving home remedies like Mr. Green points out. I can’t guarantee that all of them will work, but I can tell you that I have personal knowledge of some of them working. This book would be a good investment for any pet owner to read, absorb the information, then set the book on a shelf and if you should ever need it again you will know that the information is there.
What I liked: It’s important that you should know what home treatments only go so far and that if your pet is seriously sick or injured, you should seek veterinary help. This is noted in big graphics throughout the book. YAY, Mr. Green, for making sure that your readers remember that fact.
What I disliked: A few of the remedies were a little housewife common sense. But, then again if you aren’t a housewife, and if you don’t have common sense, then it might not hurt to have this information at hand. Maybe it's just that it seems simple to me because I've been around animals for so long.
My rating: 4 feathers

for Book Lover's Hideaway
This sounds like a great book! I love pets...My husband and I have two dogs.
I also love your romance reviews lol :)
Hope to see you back at my blog soon! I'm announcing my first giveaway next week :)
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