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Q. Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?
My Answer:
This is really a hard question to answer I have so many author's I would love to talk with, Just three wow, okay here it goes.
Sherrilyn Kenyon- I could probably talk her ear off regarding her Dark Hunter Series.
Charlaine Harris- Because I am currently obsessed with the Sookie series.
Larissa Ione- Because I just love her Demonica series and would love to know if there is any more books in the future as well as talk about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
So what's your three?
I LOVE Sherrilyn Kenyon!
My FF Post!
There are some Sherrilyn Kenyon books on my TBR list, but I still haven't got to them yet.
Hi there, I'm hopping through & following you.
Have a great weekend!
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
Hello, I just love your background and header. okay my three are,
Hopping by from the FF Blog Hop! I'm an old follower!
Love the three authors you mentioned!
Have a great weekend!
Charlaine Harris! That's a good one. :)
New Follower from: Niina's 2nd FF
Also noticed you're about to Dark Lover, it is so good! One of my favourites. :)
New FF follower :-) http://bookthatthing.blogspot.com Have a great weekend and of course HAPPY FRIDAY!
Hopping through. I'd love to meet Charlaine too. I need to read Sherrilyn and Larissa's books. I've heard great things about them.
My Hop
Yay for Charlaine Harris! :) Great picks! Happy Friday!
New Follower!
My Follow Friday Post
Nice choices. Thanks for visiting StuckInBooks.com FF
LOVE Larissa Ione. And I like Harris too. Just stopping by to return the FF.
Yesss, Charlaine Harris would be such a good one. I love the Sookie books and I need to read her other ones.
Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by!
Book Brats!
Great list! Charlaine Harris is awesome, I would love to meet her and chat about her books!
I'd love to meet Sherrilyn and Larissa, too! Great picks!
Oh man. Met Larissa Ione and Sherrilyn Kenyon at the RWA signing for a little while. Will be hopefully hanging out with Larissa Ione at Authors After Dark in a few weeks.
Oooh Charlaine Harris is a great answer. She's totally someone I would feel right at home with, relaxin' and talking about True Blood and Sookie and asking her, "Why Bill?!" lol. ;)
Happy Friday Hops, have a grrreat weekend!
Suz @ A Soul Unsung
My Friday Hops (+) Blog Hop!
Looks like a good list....mine would have to be Christine Feehan, Lisa Kleypas, Sabrina Jeffries. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hiya, new follower here through Parajunkee's View #FF! I haven't read your author picks yet, but I am intrigued to take a peek at them. Check out my picks: http://andinovelista.blogspot.com/2011/07/feature-follow_21.html#comments
Oh...and can I just say, your blog header? *swoon*
Hi there. I always see you on all of the blogs that I visit that I figured I should just following you already. I also have Sherrilyn on my list. Larissa rocks too. Well see you around. =)
Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick
I love love Sherrilyn Kenyon, and I am so excited to hear they are making a tv series of the Dark Hunters- just hope they do the books justice.
I did hear that yesterday. Yeah, I hope they do the books justice because I love them. I'm really excited for both the movies and the tv show.
I love all those 3!!! New follower.
And new to FF fun, here are my choices:
Thanks for dropping by @ We Fancy Books *waves*
Following you now :)
Hi. Happy Belated FF from a new follower. Interesting choices. I love the Sookie Stackhouse series. Unfortunately Charlaine Harris didn't make it into my top 3 (#4 maybe).
Love Larissa....totally agree with you on that one!
Excellent choices! Authors like Sherrilyn Kenyon who master more than one romance sub-genre always intrigue me. :-) Have a great weekend!
The Immortal Realm
I know, she amazes me she can write so many series at the same time. I wanna ask how she does that and keeps all the characters straight.
Thanks for stopping by Ashley Suzanne, I am now returning the follow!
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