This meme is hosted by Parajunkee's View
This week's question is: What did you study in college, or are currently studying and did it lead to your current 9 to 5 or are you doing something totally different?
My Answer: I studied Music and Video business but ended up becoming a Stay at Home Mom.

Is hosted by Crazy For Books
This week's question: What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?
My answer: I love a really good plot without that not much to a book but part of me loves a good character as well - for example I love a character with a sarcastic sense of humor.
Hi! Old follower here. I studied English and became an English teacher and editor. Pretty linear career choice, I guess.
Have a great weekend!
Hi New follower! I am studying Accounting at the moment and Minoring in management Information Systems haha :)
Take care
Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf
I'm a SAHM too :-) I do a lil' bit of everything now, lol.
Thanks for stopping by
Thanks for stopping by on our blog! I'm a new follower.
You and me both on the sarcastic sense of humor, I'm always drawn to characters with a little snark in them as they never fail to make me laugh:) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you have a great weekend!
Sarcastic characters are the best, especially when they sneak in their quips so subtly.
Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
I think that because I read for plot, I kinda eat stories up. You know, read it then start on the next. Only very, very good books (i.e: The Declaration trilogy by Gemma Malley and Saving Zoe by Alyson Noel)actually make me sit and wonder about the whole story.
I went to college for EngAlish and journalism and became a copy editor. I just wish someone told me I would be broke all the time!
I'm all about the plot it has to draw you in. Sometimes a character can take longer to get into.
Oh, I also love a character with a sarcastic sense of humor! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great weekend!
I like sarcastic humor too, but it has to be well done so it's not rude or cruel.
I like both but I like take character over plot if I have to.
Ps - I studied Biology and then got certified to teach English as a language *g*
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a SAHM too now for the moment but I studied both Environmental Management and Political Science. Two pretty different degrees and I'm not sure either of them will find me my forever job!
Happy weekend :)
thanks for stopping by my blog! i agree, those sarcastic characters are awesome! have a great friday! :)
Happy HOP! This week's question wasn't so simple to answer but ultimately it was characters for me. That's where I make my connection to the story. LOVE your blog and I'll be back. New follower
Come HOP by The Bookish Snob
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am an old follower.
Happy Holidays! :)
Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I'm really kind of shy when it comes to new people and places so once I'm somewhere I tend to stay there. I've only had two jobs since graduating high school (which was 6 years ago).So yeah I like my bubble. :)
Hey thanks for stopping by I followed back and sweet layout
That is the most demanding job of all! Thumbs up for all Moms!
New follower here, feel free to drop by at Brush Up On Your Reading
hi BLH. thanks again for dropping by. i wish you a very merry Christmas as well. enjoy your weekend! c",)
With all that which I have studied I still don't have a job, aye that sucks.
Music and video, so cool
Haha! I think it would be awesome to be a stay at home mom! Old follower just stopping by for Follow Friday! Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog!
Sonette @ bookaholic-worm.blogspot.com
Hi there
Thanks for stopping by.
I just follow your blog via GFC and follow your twitter
I love to end up as a mom one day
Hi-thanks for following my blog and I am very happy to now be one of your follower-I also followed you on Twitter-I like your design features a lot
Hi and Happy Friday!
Old follower here.
Have a wonderful weekend :)
Happy Friday, hon! New follower here, happy to be stopping by on the blog hop.
Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut
Hello! I'm visiting on the hop.
You've got some interesting book challenges up for 2011, those look like a LOT! I've only signed up with one so far, you've reminded me to find more.
-Dee from e-Volving Books
Stopping by on the hop--though I'm more about the character, I agree with you about the sarcasm/snark. Must be why Severus Snape, particularly of fanfiction, is one of my favorite characters!
Just hopping by and following through. Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out earlier.
Hey! Thanks for stopping by for today's #FF and checking out my new blog design. Have you read my featured blogger post yet at Parajunkee's View? I'm returning the follow. :) Happy weekend!
Rabid Reads / Twitter
Hi there - new follow! I am getting married soon, and we've discussed the stay-at-home mom option - I probably will while my (future) children are little.
Hope you have a great weekend!
-Linds, bibliophile brouhaha
Old follower hopping by. :)
I really like a sarcastic character too. I think they make a book interesting and add a good type of humor to an otherwise serious book.
Hey there!! Thanks for checking my blog out! I'm your newest follower :-]
hi! thanks for stopping by my blog!! have a great weekend :)
Hi. Thanks for following me I am now following you back!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your blog is new to me so I'll have a snoop around.
Happy reading!
Hopping on by... Thanks for joinging in the Morbid Romantica fun!!
Today I is the start of a Beautiful Creatures/Beautiful Darkness giveaway.
Mad Scientist
Just Hopping by. Have a nice weekend!
Hopping by to say hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! It is pretty hard to choose just one sometimes...like all the time!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Thanks for stopping by.
I am a follower, l love the blogs name!
Hi! Just dropping by. Great answers to both questions by the way.
Hey you, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I'm a new follower. Happy Holidays. Happy Reading!!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours looks really good, will have a look round :D
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love a funny, sarcastic character too :-) Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello! Just swinging by to do the same. I can't wait to see what you think about Black Wings. I've had my eye on that one for a while.
Happy Hop!
Hi, I love sarcastic characters. Probably why I'm a sucker for sidekicks, they tend to get that trait.
That's cool that you're a stay-at-home mom. If my husband and I ever have children, that's what I'd like to do.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I tried the stay at home thing when my kids were little-couldn't do it. But I got a part time job until they were in school and I loved that. Good for you!
I'm 3rd year in university, studying Pyschology and Conflict Resolution. We'll see where that gets me.
Thanks for hopping By. Happy Holidays!
Following you back! :)
I love a sarcastic sense of humor too! Thanks for hopping by Fiction Folio :)
Blog-hopping by to return the visit and follow!
Passing through from BBH. It was a tough question this week!
Thanks for stopping by, great answer! I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for stopping by! I wish I could saty at home! That would be sweet to be with my little one! Have a great weekend!
thanks for visitng my blog happy holidays and happy reading!
If you like sarcastic characters, I think you'll enjoy Black Wings! :)
Thanks for hopping by! I like sarcastic characters with a good sense of humor too!
I studied film but I'm back in school doing library science. I prefer characters over plot. But both are important. Happy Blog Hop.
Happy Friday!
Hope you have a great weekend!!
Romance Book Junkies
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a nice weekend!
And thanks for following my blog, you've got a nice blog, i've decided to follow, too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hi There
I studied science and taught and I lean towards needing good characters to continue reading. Drop by my blog and say hi! I can be found at Sugarbeat's Books
Hey! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!
and to answer your question we finish school at 16 but we can stay on until we are 18 if we want to to do our As and A level exams which are the marks that count if we want to go to university.
I hope that makes more sense.:)
April @ Book Geek Central
Thanks for hopping by! I'm fond of sarcasm as well, especially when the humor behind it is subtle.
That sounds like an interesting major, I think being a SAHM is sweet, I hope to be able to care for my kids (if I ever have any) the same way. Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great weekend! :):)
Thank you for stopping by! :D
I can see how you might prefer the plot to characters...
Have a beautiful weekend.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! I found it really tough to decide for this week's question - plot and characters both bring something unique to a good book.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I am very conflicted about the plot/character question.
I am still conflicted too , characters is what grabs me most of the time but its the plot that gets me going to begin with.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And I agree with brave chicken, The Declaration is an awesome book.
Indeed, a great sense of humor in a character is so much fun. Much easier to access and get comfortable with them, then.
Thx for hopping by! Sense of humor is a must for me too! Great points...
I'm an "I want it all!" kind of person, so give me good plot and great characters.
Poster Print Giveaway: Let My Spirit Live
Just hoppin on over! I'm a SAHM too. =)
Hope your weekend is going well, thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
Good point -- it's not much of a book without a plot! But I find myself really drawn to character-driven novels. I connect with them more =)
Doing a late hop back from the Friday hops. I was out of town this weekend and busier than I expected to be - hence the lack of Internet time.
Music and video business sounds really interesting.
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