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Q. What are you doing to prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen? (Both of which could be terrifying.)
A. ::weird look:: Um...I didn't know anything about a zombie apocalypse? I never get invitations to these "damn" things! :) If it's the end of the world, I'm just gonna be there ready for whatever my fate is. I don't want to live in a world without books, my dogs, my husband or my son. Maybe even in that order. ::eyebrow waggle:: As for the return of Mel Gibson, and I assume we're talking about the movie "The Beaver," I hear he's actually very good in it and that people should not refrain from going to see it because of Mel or they will lose out on a great movie. ::shrug:: It's not an important issue in my life. I could really care less. I do think that Mel has some issues, but hey, so do I! I'm not gonna throw stones at glass houses. I will say that I hope Mel's demons leave him and he can find some happiness in his life.
This meme is hosted Crazy For Books
This week's question is:
"Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!”
Well, May was an unusal month for us here at BLH. There were so many tours and give-a-ways and what not, that we did not keep up with memes and day to day goings on. Which begs the question, should we be a commercial blog or a personal blog? I think we are trying to be the best of both. Anyway, neither Donna nor I have posted much on the personal side, which would be closest to my heart, but, since I've been thinking about it almost incessantly, I think the Topic Thursday from yesterday would be my favorite. I'm not going to repost it here because it was from YESTERDAY so easy to get to.
I hope everyone has a good Friday! Boy, it's a major TGIF here for me! I'm gonna start hopping around and saying hello to everyone. I haven't visited blogs in a very long time. Shame on me! Hopefully I can make up for it with my visits today.
for Book Lover's Hideaway
Great response about Mel Gibson. The movie looks good, but it also looks boring. I'm going to wait until I read some reviews before deciding if I want to see it. I want it to be about the movie, not Mel.
You're right, we shouldn't judge Mel.
Your blog is really pretty, I like it!
New Follower!
Wow! The first one to defend Mel! That is commendable :) I also love your blog...very cool! I'm a new follower just hoppin through...if you feel like following back that would be fabulous!
XOXO Andra
Hey, just stopping by in return for your visit! Thanks for the heads up re: Apocolypto. The Passion of the Christ is the Mel film I'm still too scared to watch - some of friends came back shaken!
Just joined your GoodReads group! :) definitely here to play! lol :)
Awwww! Thanks chick(s)! Don't worry, you are TOTALLY invited to Zombie Craze!!! ;) And where is this GR group??? *left out*
Here's our goodreads group
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm your newest follower!
Thanks for stopping by.
Unfortunately, I can't be as forgiving about Mel considering he's an antisemite and an abuser to boot.
But let's not let that ruin the weekend.
Happy blogging!
Thanks for visiting me! You know, I seem to gravitate toward the more personal book blogs, but it's good to find a balance between commercial & personal. Have a great weekend!
Stopping back by from the hop. I'm your newest follower!
Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter
Thanks for stopping by! I'm already a follower. :)
I love the answer. Happy weekend!
Rebecca @ the new kindle fever
Ha I know, until I read this week's question I didn't realize a zombie apocalypse was on everyones mind. I guess whatever happens, happens - I'm pretty sure there would be no way to truly plan for something like that *YIKES*
Jamie @ Bookerella
Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out earlier - your Thursday Topic post is really interesting and I feel for the author. I hope that she can find a way to recover from it and build a successful readership
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm realy enjoying reading your blog.
LLM - ABookGeek
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