Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 292 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books (November 1, 2010)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Book courtesy of Stacey Kennedy
Stacey's Link's
Amazon Summary:
A nasty bite starts a whirlwind of doom―one soul turns toward the darkness while one heart battles to deny destiny.Nexi Jones can never catch a break. With only just returning from a much needed vacation--a deadly Werewolf attack takes place in Plymouth, Minnesota. In pursuit for answers, Nexi finds herself face-to-face with someone she desperately wanted to avoid, Magnus, the Lord of the Underworld. He hasn't forgotten her and will stop at nothing to use her magical abilities for his personal gain.
Soon, Nexi will be in a battle far worse than conjuring Magic against those of the Underworld. The fiercest battle rages within her as her soul combats against her heart to decide Nexi's fate. Will all that matters--will everyone she loves--be lost forever?
I honestly can say I didn't think each book could get any better, boy I was wrong. Book number three in the Magical Series had me on a roller coaster of emotions. As I sit here and try to express into words just how much this book affected me for the life of me I am not sure if words or at least the words I type will do this book justice.I am at a truly loss at what to say about this book. It grabbed me like no other or at least for a long time. I feel like I'm rambling and for that I'm sorry. I just was left with a wow feeling after reading this book.
This book still had the humor I have grown to love about Nexi and Haven (why can't I have soul sister like her) as well as the action of fighting off the baddies. And we were introduced to a young sweet wolf in this book who you can't help but love and then there is the hot hot steamy scenes that Stacey writes so well. But what got me was huge shocker that left me screaming at my computer screen, for those who have read this book you know what I am talking about.I wish I could tell you but I try very hard not to give spoilers.
I will just say I was really tempted to skip to the end to see what happens( I didn't aren't you proud of me). I know though I was sitting on the edge of my seat for the last part of this book.
If you have read book one and two this is a must read for you and warning -- for some jaw dropping moments. If you haven't read any Stacey Kennedy's books , What are you waiting for??
This might be my favorite book of the series but let me get back to you on that as soon as I read the rest , A woman is allowed to change her mind isn't she :).
The Magical Sword Series Reading Order
The Willow
The Wicked
The Devil's Kiss
An Everlasting Bite(The Blue Bloods book 1)
First And Last
Silent Howl

I loved your review! The cover is ooh la la and I just loved the sound of this book, and since I haven't heard of this author or this series, its going on my TBR list and I am going to start reading them!! Sorry that it has been so long since I have been on here!
Heya how are you I have missed you, I need to stop over more often again don't you just love when RL just gets in the way to visiting.
I highly recommend Stacey she is a fabulous writer and each book in this series is getting better and better.
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