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On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. It's also an event that you can join in with too.
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I had lots of fun yesterday blog hopping and checking out everyone's blogs. You know how that goes right? You start clicking on links and before you know it, it's 4:15pm in the afternoon and you still haven't brushed your teeth? ::guilty look:: Anyway, in the course of my clicks yesterday, I ran across this book and I'm telling you, I'm so tempted to run and get it right now.
Here's a summary from Amazon for ya:
This brilliant and daring debut, set in a skewed Renaissance world (people worship Jesus-like "Blessed Elua" but also demigods), catapults Carey immediately into the top rank of fantasy novelists. In the character of PhŠdre n¢ Delaunay, "a whore's unwanted get" sold into indentured servitude in opulent Night Court, the author has created a particularly strong and memorable female lead, and has surrounded her with a large and varied cast, from nobles and priests to soldiers and peasants. An engrossing plot focuses first on court intrigue and treachery, then, in a surprising shift, on high adventure, travel in barbarian lands including Alba (England) and war. Two demigods rule PhŠdre: Naamah, for sensual love; and Kushiel, for sado-masochistic pain, his "dart" being a blood spot in PhŠdre's eye. Not everyone will go for PhŠdre's graphic if elegantly described sexual encounters, which usually involve the infliction of pain, whether from lashing, branding or even cutting. PhŠdre, however, is no clich‚d sexpot but a complex character motivated by religious zeal. In one amusing scene, a group of sailors on the march chants: "Whip us till we're on the floor, we'll turn around and ask for more, we're PhŠdre's Boys!" At the end, the heroine reminds one of an equally strong-minded sister whose home was Tara. No mere feminist novel, this is an assured and magnificent book that will appeal to both male and female readers. (June 4)Forecast: With blurbs from Delia Sherman and Storm Constantine, plus major print advertising both genre and mainstream, this first novel could rack up impressive sales.
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Sounds interesting eh? What got me were reviewers on Goodreads talking about how they hate sex in books, hate BDSM stuff in books, hate giant reads, etc. and yet most of them gave the book at least a 4 or a 5 start rating and that's the stuff that I LIKE. So I'm dogging this book. I gotta have it. Have you read it???
for Book Lover's Hideaway

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